N. and S. Korea firing artillery at each other

One proven lie is not enough? Is this a Western thing? How many FinnAgain links do I need to demolish before you realize that your moronic little friend is attempting to bullshit his way out of a losing argument?

Once again: you claimed that you approached this with with open eyes and no bias.

Sorry to say but even your name and past posting history shows that this was not only a lie but a stupid one to boot.

His main tools are dishonesty, militant ignorance and attempted misdirection. Focusing on only the first link his his way of going for a trifecta. He is, of course, lying about me being wrong on the contents of that link.



Naturally he’s lying about all the other links I provided, too.
Speaking of how he’s now reduced to lying with pretty much every single argument he makes:

I never said any such thing which is why Commissar made it up and didn’t cite it, and in fact can not cite it. It’s hard to cite someone saying something that you made up.

Commissar has not linked to the posts because he’s lying. The questions I repeated, that Commissar is lying and claiming that he ever answered were:



Did he address the second and third questions in post 411? No. Did he answer the first of those three questions in post 411?Nope In point of fact he refused to answer the first question and lied in order to create a strawman which he then demanded I defend.
Well, surely he’s not also lying aboutpost 419?. Oh, again he refused to answer the question and again lied and demanded that I provide proof for a strawman he’d created.
In fact, what he did is his general trolling-pattern. He advanced the claim that NK’s actions were “justified” and “appropriate”, and then when challenged to back up his claim with a cite of international law or international customary law, lied and made up strawmen, moaned like a bitch about how people wouldn’t provide proof of their assertions… and never provided proof of his assertion.

Again, notice that he doesn’t actually link to any post. He doesn’t link anything, because again he’s lying. I pointed out that he had no support for his position, at all, and it had been almost a week since he’d advanced it and provided a clearly labeled hyperlink to the international customs of warfare at sea. Then he responded, naturally, by trying to change the subject, lying about how I was using the Sam Remo Manual, dishonestly cherrypicking the description of the SRM, claiming it was published by the Red Cross when it was not, and then claiming that Customary International Law had no legal applicability.
At which point I pointed out his utter idiocy and dishonesty.

Now he’s at it again, somehow ‘accidentally’ making the same errors again.
Or trolling.
(Gee, I wonder which is more likely?)

And just because Commissar really is a syphilitic retard whose non-trolling time is spent fucking his mother, I’d like to point out:

The applicability of the Rome Statute even to nations that do not sign is has already been cited by me in post nine of this thread.
But Commissar is the kind of deep, abiding, syphilis-ravaged stupid that he doesn’t even realize when he’s being stupid.

Where is the Waffen-SS of yesteryear? Where is the Khmer Rouge? Is the Shining Path still a road to the future, or has it been sidetracked? Who, now, continues what was done to the Armenians in 1914? Is Finland ruled from Moscow or from Helsinki? Who is selling docile, beaten slaves in the markets of Memphis? Is Japan still raping Nanjing or Korea?

On the contrary: It does not represent true authoritarianism. Back in Mao’s day, back in the Cultural Revolution, do you think anyone in China other than the upper class would have been allowed the decadence of cell phones? The Internet? No, China has strayed from the path still trod by North Korea, and what has North Korea gained recently except a little more attention and, perhaps, some scraps from the table?

Fairly interesting client states, dependent upon wealthier neighbors to buy their goods and sell them technology they can’t develop themselves. But, I ask you, when was the last time either of them staged a mass purge of their own citizens? How can a country claim to be authoritarian if it does not have camps full of walking corpses terrorized out of their own fundamental humanity? Cambodia, even little Cambodia, was a more successfully authoritarian state for the period the Khmer Rouge was in power. (For the record, that was all of four years.)

And now, my friends, I will demonstrate that FinnAgain is a lying lowlife. In the interests of brevity and succinctness, I will make this as quick as possible. Let’s begin with one of his most recent statements:

Please allow me to highlight the lie:

Hint: FinnAgain is lying his ass off at this point. But please don’t take my word for it; let us follow the link in his statement. Said link brings us to this:

The link here leads us to the following site: http://www.icrc.org/ihl.nsf/FULL/560?OpenDocument

Notice anything? Kudos to those realized that FinnAgain’s argument has regressed to a non-binding, non-legal document presented by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law:

FinnAgain has lied. There are no two ways around this. He has attempted to invoke international law, and he has lied in his attempt to do so. He has cited to a document that has no legal significance. He could try to play this fact off as an honest mistake based on understandable ignorance, but does he do so? No. He attempts to pull the wool over your eyes by perpetuating the lie. For your own sake, please do not be fooled.

I do not expect you to agree with me, but at least I fight with honor and honesty. This is apparently too much to ask for from the likes of that lying little weasel, FinnAgain.

That may be the most stunning display of retard-strength trolling that I’ve ever seen.
My “lie” is that I provided a “clearly labeled hyperlink to the international customs of warfare at sea?” To prove this “lie”… a quote is provided in which I provide a clearly labeled hyperlink to the international customs of warfare at sea. And one in which I clearly delineated between international law and international custom.
As for international customary law being “non-legal” and having “no legal significance”, that’s just Commissar’s characteristic stupidity and customary ignorance, and it’s already been debunked in links that he’s ignoring/distorting/lying about, yet again.

I honestly want to be able to feel bad for him. It must be hard for him, seduced by his mother and she didn’t even tell him that she was infected with syphilis… but good lord he’s so damned stupid and strident in his ignorance that it’s hard for me to muster any sympathy.

In the dustbin of history, where it was single-handedly relegated by the glorious might of the Red Army.

Dead and gone. The enemies of the people deserve no less.

See above.

You tell me. Given that my particular political philosophy did not emerge until 1917, I make no judgment calls relating to the year 1914.

It ought to be Moskva, but it currently is not.

I would argue that the white Imperial racists are perpetuating the legacy of the both the Southern slave masters and their KKK successors, but I don’t wish to undermine your melodramatic diatribe. Do go on.


If it were available? Yes.


The last time I checked, my “Guidebook to Socialism” did not state that the North Korean take on Marxism-Leninism is actually the correct one. :rolleyes:

So true. I am glad that capitalist nations are immune to such dependence. Never in a million years can we imagine an American Empire whose very survival depends on either cheap Chinese goods or the generous Chinese buy-out of its astronomical debt. Heaven forbid. :rolleyes:

Now that you ask, I suppose that the glorious PRC has been doing quite well without “purges” for quite a while.

Two points. One, authoritarianism does not require willy-nilly imprisonment. Two, I think that this is neither the time nor the place to debate Guantanamo Bay.

How, exactly, do you define “authoritarian?”

Ah well, while PALATR is fun and never really gets old, especially with such an absurd retard as our commie buddy, I will fight some ignorance in case people reading along aren’t aware of what customary international law is.



(Readers will note that the Sam Remo Manual is the result of extensive research into the international customs of warfare at sea)






](International Legal Research)


](Researching Customary International Law, State Practice and the Pronouncements of States regarding International Law - GlobaLex)

I’m probably going to regret asking this, but here goes anyway. How, exactly, is Japan raping Korea?

Must… not… link… picture… of… tentacles…

Actually, readers will realize that FinnAgain is trying to mislead them. It hardly matters how much “research” has gone into the manual. I refer you to the following page:


I draw your attention to the following:

" The Manual is not a binding document. In view of the extent of uncertainty in the law, the experts decided that it was premature to embark on diplomatic negotiations to draft a treaty on the subject."

In other words, FinnAgain is a lying piece of shit. This manual has absolutely no relationship to international law.

Also, I advance the argument that we Soviets win on the strength of the following song alone:

I have never heard the human soul (if we assume that it exists) actually speak beforehand. This is awesome.

Poor troll, using the same patterns of dishonesty that have been pointed out and re-cited in this thread.


Anyways, Commissar, were you angry when you found out that your mother had given you syphilis, or was your mind already so far gone at that point that you just kinda shit your pants angrily (ya know, like how you “debate”)?

Commissar, authoritarianism requires a government in a position of unquestionable authority using that power to make life hell for people, most often its own citizens first and foremost. This dates back to substantially before 1917. It dates back to substantially before the dawn of recorded history. Your Pink Heroes’ Ivan-Come-Lately shenanigans have to be examined in the context of the Russian Empire, the various Chinese Dynasties, the Belgian Congo, Spanish rule in the West Indies, and the many and varied slave-holding empires dating far back into antiquity.

What do we learn? Well, 1917-1991 is pretty damn pitiful. Also, Stalin was a pathetic figure hounded by the ghosts in his head. Finally, we learn that the only way forwards for China was to adopt the strategies of the successful democratic nations and allow its citizens an amount of personal liberty so extreme they can even visit websites of questionable political character without ending up in Reeducation Through Labor Camps. (Also: ‘One Country, Two Systems’? In Mao’s day, it would have been ‘One Country, Two Mass Graves’!)

Again: when did your family leave Belarus, and how old were you? I’m accustomed to hearing from Communists, but most of the ones I know strenuously disavow the Soviet Union owing to the mass murders and starvations and other titanic failures.

Care to give us a translation, generously assuming you actually understand the language and not just a lying troll who picked a mournful-sounding song at random?

I’m having trouble taking Commissar at face value, but he’s an interesting thought experiment. Did anyone else in this thread ever read Superman: Red Son? I’m thinking Commissar is an alternate universe version of Qin Shi Huangdi who was raised in the USSR instead of the US.

Missionary, mostly.

Not only have I read it, I have a fuzzy-hatted Batman action figure.

Commissar, is this North Korea’s equivalent of the Berlin wall?

Since the mid 1990s, when famine and a mass exodus jeopardized Kim Jong-il’s control over the country, the regime has viewed its border with China as a second battlefront, stationing 300,000 soldiers there.

Nevermind, I think I found the answer.

  • …but at the Chinese border there is the sound of gunfire every day. Defectors are being shot,…*

I guess searching for food is a capital crime there.