Name a USA Copy better than the orignal

Well, that is pretty damning - none of the UK shows (that I know) were any good. Many original US shows have done pretty well in Britain, so there seems little obvious need to remake them. Maybe it is cheaper.

No way is Cosby a remake of One Foot in the Grave. It does say “many differences”, but I cannot think of any even vague similarities.

The United States of America.

Random trivia…both Man About the House spinoffs were remade as Three’s Company spin-offs, pretty much directly. George & Mildred became The Ropers, and Robin’s Nest became Three’s a Crowd.

Both changed things, of course - The reason (and time) the Ropers left, some slight changes in their relations with the neighbours for G&M/Ropers…Jack and Vicky being married, and Jack already having opened the Bistro (several seasons earlier, IIRC) for TaC/RN; just the differences I can name - but they were clearly based on the British spin-offs.

I like the original better. :wink: