Name Some Fictionalized Biographical Films

Nicole Kidman’s To Die For is so closely based on the Pam Smart case that I can’t believe they got away with the “this is a work of fiction- any resemblance to real characters living or dead is purely coincidental” disclaimer.

Some claim that the movie The Greek Tycoon is based on Aristotle Onassis just because the main character is Greek (and a shipping magnate, and marries the widow of an assassinated young Irish Catholic U.S. president).

Bob Fosse’s All That Jazz (one of my favorite movies ever) is unabashedly autobiographical.

Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope was based on the Leopold-Loew murder of Bobbie Franks.

Greta Garbo’s lost silent The Divine Woman (1928) was based on the life of Sarah Bernhardt.

Oh—and another Harlow! Her Reckless (1935) was a thinly disguised biopic of Libby Holman.