Recommendations on some biographies, please.

A lot of times, when I watch biopics, I become interested in knowing more and knowing more accurately, the lives of these people. So after watching *The Aviator *and De-Lovely, I’ve wanted to learn more about the people portrayed in them.

I don’t read a lot of non-fiction, and what I do read needs to be very interesting. To give you some ideas, I’ve read recently, *Vamp: The Rise and Fall of Theda Bara, *and Bruce Campbell’s If Chins Could Kill. Not quite as biographical, but I’ve also read William Goldman’s What Lie Did I Tell?

So, what are some good, interesting biographies on **Howard Hughes **and Cole Porter?

I haven’t read it, but have heard that this is the definitive Cole Porter bio.

Thank you, twickster. I’ve added it to my Wish List.

(I found it amusing that “Customers who shopped for other items in your Wish List also shopped for: King of the Hill: The Complete Third Season.”)

Bumping this to see if anyone can recommend a Howard Hughes bio. Thanks.

[blushes prettily]

Did you like it? I do hope so. As for Howard Hughes, I’d recommend this book over this one; and I read and enjoyed this Cole Porter bio.

I enjoyed this one…

Yes, very much so. I’d never even heard of her before, and your book made me want to watch her movies (which is pretty impressive if you consider the fact that I think movies made before 1990 are old. ;)) You made me feel like I knew Bara when I got done reading it.

Thanks for the recommendations, Eve and Balle_M. I’ve add those books to my wishlist, too. I see another large Amazon order in the making.