Name this physicist

He was one of the two most prominent in his day, which was, I believe, in the 1980s (at least, it was relatively recently).

I believe he was famous for postulating the existence of quarks, and for giving their various functions names like “charm,” etc.

He admonished his students not to concern overly themselves with the question of whether or not the sub-atomic particles they studies “really” existed, claiming, I think, that the question was irrlevant.

I need his name, and hopefully a quote from him concerning the above, for a paper I’m writing. Can anyone out there help me out?

I Googled “charmed quarks physicist” and came up with Murray Gell-Mann. Is that the one you’re thinking of?

The “other one” may well be Richard Feynman.

I believe you’re looking for Murray Gell-Mann . At least he’s the one who came up with the name “quarks”, apparently from Finnegan’s Wake.

And I see I was beat out by Scarlett, oh well.

FWIW, according to the info I have, Sheldon Glashow came up with the name “charm” (or “charmed”) for the fourth quark.

Source: WilsonWeb Biographies Plus.

Thanks muchly, y’all, for the tips.