Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers for NAMBLA members

It exists, and, obviously, they have a website that anyone can Google.

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Yikes, that’s scary. (The Boychat, I mean).

Why isn’t there a similiar organization for men who want little girls? Or are these people only trying to use the gay rights crusade for their own twisted aims?
I am NOT knocking the gay rights crusade at all-I believe in it whole-heartedly. I’m more asking are these assholes trying to take advantage of something good for something evil?

And yes, I said evil. This is one area where tolerance WOULD go too far-they’re only reinforcing the notion that gay=pedophile. Sick fucks, all of them.

If you listen to that South Park “NAMBLA” episode’s DVD commentary, Matt and Trey talk about how many people thought they had made it up! (I learned about NAMBLA’s existance from Jim and Debbie Goad’s “Answer Me!”. I was horrified that it wasn’t a joke.)

There is. But they learned an important lesson from Nambla and used a Spanish phrase that must less memorable as an acronym. I can;t find a link for you now, I’m at work. I’ll find it later.

I had no idea either; so does this mean that there is such a thing as the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes organization too? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t understand how they get away with it. They are advocating an illegal activity. How is the website still up and running?

No, I didn’t click on the link. You couldn’t pay me enough to do that.

Well, when the POTUS is a member…


I think it is because they couch themselves in bullshit rhetoric.