Napoleon Dynamite: What's the Signifigance of the Bike Girl (Unboxed Spoilers)

Near the end of Napoleon Dynamite, a woman [SPOILERS AHEAD. DON’T READ ANY MORE IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS]… approaches Uncle Rico’s van on a bike.

Is there some signifigance to that woman? She doesn’t appear anywhere else in the movie, or in the deleted scenes.

She’s his old girlfriend, the one who dumped him because she thought he was “stuck in '82.”

Well I’ll be damned. Thanks.

Yeah, thanks, but how’d you know that? I don’t remember seeing her anywhere else in the movie.

She was explained in the DVD commentary. Until I heard that, I didn’t know who she was either. In fact, I think the commentary mentioned that audiences generally didn’t know what to make of her.

She’s also, I believe, the actor who plays Kip’s wife (in real life).