Napster Is Put In Its Place!

Okay, so a couple of weeks ago I sign up for a free trial for Napster. I know that I don’t want the monthly service, but like to D/L songs and a buck is cool, even though Walmart is only $.88.

So I get an email from Paypal saying that they’re processing a charge for Napster’s monthly service. Umm, no. I don’t want monthly service. I email Napster right that moment and tell them specifically that I don’t want monthly service, only the ability to download songs. I go through four email hoops until I’m advised that I’d better call them since this is so complicated. :wally

FF to this morning not five minutes ago. I call Napster, and after navigating their Og-awful phone tree get to CS person named “A”. Call then persues…

CS: Do you have your ID number?

ME: No, I don’t

CS: Well it’s next to the charge on your bank statement

ME: OK, I’ll check the website now, fortunately I have a quick network.

I pull up website and go to my account summary to find the charge. I apologize for being slow. I read the charge exactly as written on the summary.

CS: No, do you have the order number?

ME: Ummm, no. Only CC transaction number from website

CS: Harumph! Well…do you have your user name?

ME: Well of course…its XXXXXX

CS: Okay. (Pulls up cust info) How can I help you?

ME: Hi…I’ve had a few go-rounds via email, would you like the email #'s? No? Ok. I’d like a credit for the monthly service fee that was posted 8/8 please. I was quite clear that I didn’t want a monthly agreement.

CS: (Starts the attitude) Well, why didn’t you cancel before your free trial ended?

ME: I was unclear as to what exactly the free trial encompassed.

CS: Huh?

ME: I didn’t understand the length of the free trial…my error.

CS: (self righteously) Well you should have cancelled before the free trial ended.

ME: Please don’t give me shit. I just want my credit. You already gave me a hard time with the account, when you could clearly have gotten my account number from my user name.

CS: Well that’s not the easiest way…

ME: For WHO? It most certainly was the easiest way for me since you knew I didn’t have the information.

CS: (again) It’s not the easiest way

ME: It absolutely is the easiest way for ME! The customer! Why did you try to make if difficult for me???

CS: Hold on please…

I wait for 8 minutes…

CS: Hi thanks for holding…we’ve processed a credit which will post within 3 days.
Have a nice day.

ME: Thanks, you too!

You should have cancelled before the free trial ended…


I must have missed something. Why didn’t you cancel prior to the end of the free trial?

I don’t entirely understand what you’re complaining about here…you wanted your service canceled, so you called them and asked them to cancel your service and get a credit, and they did. That sounds like a happy thing. Am I missing something?

Well, I DID receive my credit, which was the intent. I made it clear that I hadn’t understood the “free trial” period…for which I took responsibility for in saying that it was my error.

What I took offense to was that all the while that CS knew I was pulling up my bank’s website, looking for info for her, she could have said “well, do you have your username? We can get it from that”.

Woulda made me happy and the transaction a whole lot shorter. Only, of course IMHO.

it’s a sad fact of life that call centre employees are usually either the best or worst at their job.

A money that made it’s money questionably was trying to take your money questionably?

Ahh… thank you for not spelling the “Its” in the thread title like “It’s”!

She’s probably not allowed to do that. I bet she has a script she has to follow.

Thanks! I hadda think before doing it…no, just kidding. I’m quite clear on grammatical issues. Please feel free to point out any errors you find in the future and I will then feel absolutely horrible! :smiley:

Pray tell: Which took longer; composing your OP, transcribing that entire conversation with the C.S. dept @ Napster & ‘bitching’ about it – or the phone call that prompted this ‘rant’? Only, of course a logical question to ask, IMHO.

Pretty elaborate script, if it includes the line: That’s not the easiest way.

So what’s you’re point?

Try this John,. Smack yourself in the head with a hammer and then describe it.

Which took longer? Smacking yourself in the head or writing about it?

No problem. :smiley:

Funny you mention a hammer to the head, cause that was my initial thought after reading the OP.

Not only that, but money was moneying RSSchen’s money! “Mothermoneys,” I would have said, moneyishly.

No problem. :smiley:

Hey, smurf you, mothersmurfer.

No offence intended, but this is the lamest “customer revenge” story I’ve ever heard. “I wanted Napster to cancel my credit charge, and they DID! HA! PWNED! How’d that taste, asstards? Who’s your daddy now, huh? WHOSE YOUR DADDY NOW?!” Christ, man, it ain’t that much of a victory.

On second thought, maybe I did intend a little offence there.

Ummm, you mean offense? Okay, none taken.