Okay, so a couple of weeks ago I sign up for a free trial for Napster. I know that I don’t want the monthly service, but like to D/L songs and a buck is cool, even though Walmart is only $.88.
So I get an email from Paypal saying that they’re processing a charge for Napster’s monthly service. Umm, no. I don’t want monthly service. I email Napster right that moment and tell them specifically that I don’t want monthly service, only the ability to download songs. I go through four email hoops until I’m advised that I’d better call them since this is so complicated. :wally
FF to this morning not five minutes ago. I call Napster, and after navigating their Og-awful phone tree get to CS person named “A”. Call then persues…
CS: Do you have your ID number?
ME: No, I don’t
CS: Well it’s next to the charge on your bank statement
ME: OK, I’ll check the website now, fortunately I have a quick network.
I pull up website and go to my account summary to find the charge. I apologize for being slow. I read the charge exactly as written on the summary.
CS: No, do you have the order number?
ME: Ummm, no. Only CC transaction number from website
CS: Harumph! Well…do you have your user name?
ME: Well of course…its XXXXXX
CS: Okay. (Pulls up cust info) How can I help you?
ME: Hi…I’ve had a few go-rounds via email, would you like the email #'s? No? Ok. I’d like a credit for the monthly service fee that was posted 8/8 please. I was quite clear that I didn’t want a monthly agreement.
CS: (Starts the attitude) Well, why didn’t you cancel before your free trial ended?
ME: I was unclear as to what exactly the free trial encompassed.
CS: Huh?
ME: I didn’t understand the length of the free trial…my error.
CS: (self righteously) Well you should have cancelled before the free trial ended.
ME: Please don’t give me shit. I just want my credit. You already gave me a hard time with the account, when you could clearly have gotten my account number from my user name.
CS: Well that’s not the easiest way…
ME: For WHO? It most certainly was the easiest way for me since you knew I didn’t have the information.
CS: (again) It’s not the easiest way
ME: It absolutely is the easiest way for ME! The customer! Why did you try to make if difficult for me???
CS: Hold on please…
I wait for 8 minutes…
CS: Hi thanks for holding…we’ve processed a credit which will post within 3 days.
Have a nice day.
ME: Thanks, you too!