I wasn’t sure if this belongs in IMHO so I’ll understand if it gets moved.
I’m in a spot and need to look for something to tide me over for what may be an extended period. My problem is that I don’t have a lot of office skills. I can type around 30-35 wpm, I know some general html and css (but nothing fancy or in-depth, just enough to be able to maintain and add content to web sites), I’m very friendly and polite, have phone manners, and I’m easy to get along with.
I’m not scared of computers but I have no specific expertise. I know a smidgen about Word, an even smaller smidgen about Excel, and practically nothing about Outlook and Access. I’ve used various other programs but nothing that would be of any use in an office environment (Notepad, Ultra-Edit, CuteHTML, WS-FTP, Paint Shop Pro, Eudora, nothing useful).
I have no record, not even a speeding ticket going back 19 years. I don’t drink or take drugs. (ok, this paragraph was a strange thing to add, but I thought I should since y’all don’t know me).
Exactly how screwed am I? Are there any temp agencies that wouldn’t laugh me out of their office? I’ve heard there are tests and I’m sure I’d fail every one except for maybe the typing. I don’t know where to start, and know very little about temp agencies, but I need to find something, anything, very quickly.
Any suggestions for temp agencies and tips on how they might view someone like me would be very welcome. It doesn’t even have to be an office job. I was actually eyeing an ad for a security guard, but you had to have a car and we don’t own one by choice, because we’ve never needed one in Chicago.
I should probably mention that I’m 51, another big strike against me. I’m on the verge of real depression here and I want to find something before it takes over and I really will be useless.
Thank you for reading.