Need data on suicide rate

Am not really sure I’m doing this right so please don’t flame me if I’m posting my query in the wrong place. Am trying to help with a police investigation. I need to know what percentage of suicides by pharmacists are done with the pills and drugs at their disposal versus how many, what percentage, are done via some other means such as by a gun.

Perhaps you can give me some advice on where I can look to find this specific information.

Here is an abstract (payment required to see the complete article) for a study which puts physicians, nurses and pharmacists in a group. The numbers break down as follows:

It would seem ready access to pharmaceuticals leads to an overwhelming majority choice for suicide method. Assuming these numbers are representative and accurate, then fully 47% of suicides by members of this group are committed with their own medication supply.

I hope I get arrested and investigated in your jurisdiction! (not a personal shot at you, I promise).