Need help fast -- responding to a foreclosure summons

Thank you. I have made careful notes of each conversation with Citi, and I have saved the email exchanges between the attorney and me. And it is coming to going back to the judge … rapidly. Three conversations with Citi had the following ansers from them:

Call 1. “Your file has been closed. We will have to start a new one, and you must provide detailed information about your financial information.” (Since I was calling from work, I decided to end the call then and call back after work when I had more time.)

Call 2. “Your file is locked. We need 48 hours to unlock it and we won’t be able to take any information from you until then. Call back in two days.”

Call 3. “Your file is now unlocked, and and our instructions are that since you are in foreclosure we are not able to discuss repayment arrangements with you. We refer you to the law firm of (the law firm of the guy who told me to call them).”

If it wasn’t real, without the potential to cost me my home, it would read like a bad comedy.