Need help identifing a poem

–Moderators, if this should be in General Questions, please move. Thanks.–
I found a hand typed poem in some of my old college papers, circa 1968-1973 with no author’s credit. It’s too good to be something I wrote and I don’t want to pass it along without proper credit. I know there’s no place better than the Straight Dope to get an answer to such a question, so here goes:

Can anyone identify the author of a free verse poem that starts

“I have yet to arrive
My mind wanders in no clear path
And snatches at moments obscure in their
Relationship, meaningless moments of extreme
Light - bearing certain darkness.”

Disclaimer…I believe it is a poem, not song lyrics, but only based on its cadence (or lack there of).

I’d also be more than willing to search myself if someone has sites to send me to.

Thanks to any who are able to help. This is driving me up a wall!
