Need Input: "Into the Darkness"

“Into the Darkness” is a short story that I believed showed up in one of Asimov’s collections. I don’t know the author or which collection (although it seems to me it was a low number). This is my favorite short story, and I would love to find the book it was in. If anybody knows which book this was in or the author please let me know.

Help me SDMB … you’re my only hope.

The Internet Speculative Fiction Database (found at ) lists “Into the Darkness” by Ross Rocklynne, published in two different Asimov anthologies. Publication history is below:

The Great SF Stories 2 (1940), Isaac Asimov, 1979

Yesterday’s Tomorrows, Frederik Pohl, 1982, Berkley Publishing Corporation, 0-425-05648-1, $9.95 ($10.95 Can), tp

Golden Years of SF, Isaac Asimov, 1983, Bonanza Books, 0517401479

The ISFDB is an excellent source for this type of information, as is the Locus Books Received Database at for newer stories.

Just for fun (and my ego), try this link at the ISFDB…

Have you looked for an Asimov website or homepage? Or a scifi bibliography, either online or at your local university library?

PS: most university libraries will give a borrower’s card to a non-student, if you are half-way polite & ask at the office.

Thanks very much for the links and info! I tried using most search engines I know of and couldn’t find it.

Now THAT’s GQ at its best.
What a great crew we have here.