Need some female doper advice. (Fairly mild TMI)

The last line was supposed to read:

Oh yea, and I just wanted to say that you were right and I was…cough…so very wrong.

Hm, maybe it’s the darvocet? Now I am confused…lol.

Well I’m glad you went to the doctor and I’m sorry about the miscarriage. I’d tell you what a D&C is but you said you don’t want to know.

I’m sure with the pain and the drugs and absorbing that you are both pregnant and no longer pregnant all at the same time this is all a bit much right now. A friend of mine went through much the same thing (although she was bleeding more and ended up in the ER) Make sure you find plenty of emotional support as well as medical support!

I’m sorry to hear about your situation, Shana, and I hope you’re beginning to feel better.

Don’t worry if you do need to have a D&C, I hear they are not that bad. You’ll probably think it’s nothing compared to what you’ve been through already, and you’ll have a choice of anaesthetic anyway. Your doctor will explain everything to you.



I hope you feel better with time. Hang in there.

Shana :frowning:

Sorry to hear about your troubles. A D & C is not too bad, from what I understand.

Take care of yourself for a few days.

Stonebow, women get so used to bleeding it really doesn’t faze them the way you’d think it would. :slight_smile:


{{{{Shana}}}}}! Hope you are feeling better soon. I’m very sorry to hear of your situation! You’ll be in my prayers and my thoughts!

A D&C isn’t too bad, I’ve had one. I’ve got fibroid tumors myself. If it isn’t an ectopic pregnancy, it could be numerous other things. If you are having to take THAT much pain medication, and you are still doubled over, then you need medical attention NOW! Please, tell me you went to the ER? Good luck, I’ll pray. ((Shana))

Sorry to hear the news.

Shana, sorry to hear about your loss. Glad you’re ok. Don’t worry about the D&C, they’ll knock you out (SOP around here, anyway). Every woman I’ve ever known that’s needed one said that they felt a whole lot better after they had it done.

Take care of yourself, now!

If you get pain in your shoulder GO TO THE ER IMMEDIATELY. If it is ectopic – did she do an U/S to rule that out? – then pain in your shoulder is a really bad sign.

A D&C is not a BFD and most women say they feel better after it. I’m sorry to hear about your loss and the mixed emotions that must be accompanying being pregnant and then being not pregnant so close together.

Take care.

Shana old buddy - I really hope you take care of yourself and recover.quickly. Well, at any rate, you can decide you are just too sick to cook and will justt have to order in delivery food :slight_smile: Yeah - I know what a sacrifice that will be for you. :slight_smile:

Now - just IN CASE you feel like looking up D & C - it stands for Dilation and Curettage.

Be good to yourself, and keep us posted - or not, if you prefer not to.


((((Big Hugs))) to you all…Again, your support has really kept me sane and helped me more than you know!

I had another blood test today. It seems my pregnancy hormone is decreasing so I hopefully will be able to expel the “gestation matter” (as my doctor so clinically put it) on my own - I will go back on Monday and see if I need a D and C…The pain killer is working pretty well. Making me a little dizzy, but I will take that over pain any day!

Oh yes Celyn. I am most definitely ordering in. Poor husband has been surviving on pizza and instant noodles…(I think he secretly likes this however!) And thank you for telling me what D and C stands for…I was thinking maybe “Dice and Chop”??:wink:


WOW - Witty even when in pain? LOL re. “Dice and Chop”, though I fear I will remember that forever, and wish I didn’t!

All the best :slight_smile:

Best of luck to you Shana, be well.

A D&C is no big deal. I had one after my daughter was born.

The placenta did not completely deliver and they had to Dilate and Curette (scrape?) the placenta to get it all out.

I’m sorry about the miscarriage. If it’s any consolation, FWIU when they happen this early it means Mother Nature was taking care of something that couldn’t survive.

I like to think of it as the soul looks around, realizes, “Oops, this isn’t the right time” and leaves to come back later.

Your baby will be back. Take care of yourself, and next time, don’t ignore the pain!

Ivylass, that was very well put. That’s exactly how I’ve been trying to think of it.