We’ve had our current queen-sized matress for 10 years now. There are what seems like 6 inch deep trenches where our bodies have been slowly eroding away at the matress’ vitality (in fact we’ve been living with this for over 5 yrs already). My neck and back just can’t take it anymore and I’d like to replace this infernal contraption. But we want to make sure to make a solid, informed, unbiased opinion before we drop a grand or two.
I come to the dope to ask for your wise guidence on the hunting and purchace for the perfect matress. I’m hoping a new matress will solve my neck and back problems and I hope to pick one that will last a lot longer than our last. Where should I start?
You’re in luck! Go to a newstand or library and read the current issue of Consumer Reports which has a very comprehensive article on that very subject.
My current matress is the best I’ve ever had. It’s a Sealy IIRC and has some sort of backing from the Australian College of Orthopedic Surgeons.
The main part is very firm but has a thin, soft extra layer top and bottom. So you get the support of a firm matress but there’s a soft layer over that to stop your circulation getting cut off by lying straight on the hard part. The sales guy said they’re so popular he literally can’t sell anything else any more.
As an anecdote to go along with Askance post, recently a Doper asked about where he/she could find Mariott Hotel’s mattresses as they were the best he/she’d ever slept on. I Googled and came up with Sealy being the supplier for Marriott, so according to at least 2 Dopers - Sealy rules.