Need to find a "saying" or similar for an illustration project... brainstorming help?

HOMEWORK HELP!!! Har har har… sorry, back on the AOL board we had kids coming in asking questions which were really little more than thinly disguised searches for homework answers. This is school related, but not like that.

My next assignment in my Electronic Illustration class is this (copied from the syllabus):

“Pick an old cliche and do a fresh, dynamic, conceptual interpretation of that old saying. (e.g. a stitch in time saves nine). This can also be an item from the Guinness Book of World Records or Ripley’s Believe it or Not.
Children’s coloring book cover illustration. Find a child’s story that has not been illustrated before. Create a full color illustration of part of the story for the cover of the book. Apply the illustration to the book cover along with a title and author.
Political satire conveyed through laughter or wit from a present-day event from politics, politicians and/or public affairs. Apply to magazine cover that uses that style/genre of illustration (e.g. TIME, U.S. News and World Report).”

I was hoping that the always clever Teeming Millions might be able to help me brainstorm an idea. (I don’t want help figuring out how to illustrate it, just coming up with the idea.) So… anything leap to mind?

I think I’m a little disturbed that the first thing that popped into my head was “Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out.”

Hey, I don’t suppose you can use a child’s book that hasn’t (and won’t) be formally published? I’ve got one that I wrote for my goddaughter that I’d be happy to let you illustrate in exchange for a copy of the illustrations that I could print out and bind with the text to give to her.

It’s a really visual story, with fires and floods and a poor lonely lost girl who finds her own voice - that kind of thing.

No good deed goes unpunished.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Always drink upstream from the herd.

when push comes to shove

There are lies, damned lies and statistics.

white elephant

a flash in the pan

Every cloud has a silver lining (mushroom clouds ?)

Honesty is the best policy (Scooter, Shrub and Bliar)

Or one of these A list of 680 English Proverbs, with their meanings explained.

Well in that option I’d only be illustrating the cover, not the whole story. And actually, if I do go that route, I have a children’s story I wrote in high school that I might use for that… but I appreciate it!

I think I’m a little disturbed that I’m actually considering that one! Good idea!

Combine two proverbs:

‘many hands make light work’ + ‘two many cooks spil the broth’

‘look before you leap’ + ’ a watched pot never boils’

For political, “Mission Accomplished!”

For an old cliche: “Boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses.”

For a children’s story: Hmmmm…pretty hard to come up with one that’s never been illustrated. However, “Jack and the Beanstalk” just popped into my head.

Hmmm - the first thing that came to my mind was not a cliche.

Do Androids dream of electric sheep?

I think I was thinking about a good illustration…

For a cliche how about - Power works best in the hands of those who don’t want it.

I think I’m a little disturbed that the first three things that popped into my head were SDMB in-jokes.

“Each hour wounds. The last one kills.”

Well, if it works, to hell with being disturbed! :smiley:

You wouldn’t know a good idea if it hit you on the head.

You wouldn’t know a good idea if it bite you on the ass. (bum)

“Many a mickle makes a muckle.”

There’s a challenge, now.

In case anyone was wondering how it came out:
I did it in editorial cartoon style.

  1. Your cartoon was fine. :slight_smile:

  2. But where was the box for ‘Teeming Millions’? :confused:

  3. Hi … err … Opal. :o

It was on the left side of the table, with the label “Reincarnate-O-Matic.” It’s a little hard to see because the label is at an oblique angle to the viewer.