Needing *Missing You* songs

I second Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce.

I’ll Stand By You - The Pretenders
To Make You Feel My Love - Garth Brooks

But not The Dance by Garth Brooks. Holy crap, not The Dance.

If we’re thinking of the same song, Nanci Griffith does a nicer, not-so-sappy version. However, it might not be the right song for the wife of someone currently serving in Iraq.

I’m Already There by Lonestar.

She got back on the phone
Said I really miss you darling
Don’t worry about the kids they’ll be alright
Wish I was in your arms
Lying right there beside you
But I know that I’ll be in your dreams tonight
And I’ll gently kiss your lips
Touch you with my fingertips
So turn out the light and close your eyes

And perhaps Letters From Home by John Michael Montgomery.

“Lonely Boy” by Iron Butterfly, on the Ball album.

“California Dreaming” by The Mama’s and the Papa’s

My 2 picks.


My first year away at college, I made my dad a mix CD that ended with All My Loving by The Beatles. It made Mom cry. Dad got “something in his eye,” though it may have been me singing along that did it. I think Michelle might work well, as well as The Long and Winding Road. The last one’s a little iffy, since it could be interpreted as a break-up song.

Continuing Beatle-wise, there’s Silly Love Songs by Paul McCartney.

“Ice Cream” by Sarah McLachlan, off her Fumbling Towards Ecstasy album, is a really sweet song.

Another WWII song that might work (or at least popped into my head when reading the others) is Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen. The most famous one is by the Andrews Sisters, but a bunch of people have recorded it.

I was going to start a thread like this, but wanted to restrict it to 80’s soft rock and pop and any country/western.
Mods, can I start a new thread for that?

Different song. I didn’t know From a Distance was from a movie.

It’s not that I know of.

Speaking of Bette, “To Comfort You” could be nice.

I was wrong. Sorry. I was focussing on the “Bette Midler” part and the “far away” part and forgot about the “movie” part.

I did a bit of Googling on “From a Distance” and learned at this site that “[From a Distance] won a Minute Man award from the US Army for inspiring troops during the First Gulf War.” So I guess I was wrong about it being inappropriate for someone on active military duty – I am surprised though that the Army considers it inspiring for the troops to think of the enemy as a friend and to wonder what all this war is for.

I forgot to add mine this morning:

“She Misses Him on Sunday the Most” - Diamond Rio

One for the Soldier department: “Hunkerdown” by the Legendary Shack Shakers.

Love Song for a Vampire by Annie Lennox. I discovered this song when it was referenced in another thread concerning wedding music. I’d say it’s perfect for your application too.

If your still accepting suggestions:

Judy Collins sings a song called Easy Times. The lyric goes, in part

Tell me how you spend your time there.
Here there’s nothing much to do,
And the nights, they seem to last forever.
And the summer’s been so long,
I was here and you were gone.
Been that way as long as I remember.

Easy times come hard for me
And Oh, my darling,
Time again to dream that you are coming home.
Happy times that i’ve had with you,
And Oh, my darling,
Will there ever be a time we’re not alone?

She also sings a Bob Dylan song that would fit in this category. It isTomorrow Is a Long Time :

If today were not an endless journey,
If tonight were not a crooked trail,
If tomorrow weren’t such a long tome,
Then lonesome would mean nothing to me at all.

Ah, if only he were lying by me,
And I could here his heart a softly poundin’,
Only if he were here beside me,’
Could I rest in my bed once again.

I would also suggest you check out *200 Miles * by the Cowboy Junkies and 500 Miles, the Peter, Paul and Mary version is very nice.

Supposedly, the Monkees’ first hit The Last Train To Clarksville was about a soldier on his way to Basic and then Viet Nam asking his girlfriend to come and say goodbye.

Hope this helps.

Carole King’s So Far Away:
Long ago I reached for you and there you stood
Holding you again could only do me good
How I wish I could, but you’re so far away

is the only one I can think of right now, but I’m sure I can add more later.