Nerd Alert: Trek Round Table Discussion

Rick Berman and others have equated the Federation to the European Union: an economic alliance with a common parliament (the council), a weak Federal system (laws vary greatly from planet to planet), and an optional common military/exploratory force (Starfleet, where anyone can join, and its the “official” defense force, but stems from a human organization). It seems that members of the Council are appointed, not elected (they are called Ambassadors, a historically appointed position, instead of Delegates), and the Council elects the President of the Federation (see the comments of President Jaresh-Inyo in DS9).

The capital of the Federation is Earth, as we’ve seen repeatedly, and Starfleet seems to extend from a human military/exploratory force, but aliens are well represented throughout (I would be intersted in knowing what % of earth’s 24th Century population is non-human).

Non-exploratory/military ships seem to be primarily alien. We see few human science vessels, but many Vulcan ones, the Vulcans have their own defense force (though the primary defense force of the Federation is the Starfleet).

Vulcan also seems to have the only Science Academy. :slight_smile: If Star Trek were on the Discovery Channel, it’d likely be a Vulcan dominated show.

If Starfleet is a human-origin institution, it makes some sense that it would still be human-dominated. And who knows, maybe its just that we humans mate and reproduce much quicker: Remember, Vulcans are quite unarousable for 6 out of every 7 years, Andorians require four members for marriage ceremonies, etc. Humans may be, comparatively, the sapient equivelent to rabbits. The Sisko family had seven children, Keiko seemed to be pregnant all the damn time, but you never see large alien families.


When did they say that? all i remember was a sister, but i have missed a few episodes.

We only ever saw the one sister, but in one of the first episodes Sisko talked about his “seven brothers and sisters,” and The Star Trek Encyclopedia described Joseph Sisko as “the father of several children, including Benjamin Sisko and his sister Judith.”


A Vulcan Discovery Channel?!?!?

Imagine how utterly iformative and unentertaining that would be.
"Today on Discovery we will examine the alternative to photosynthisis used by the plant life of the Rogue Planet specifically examining cellular structures in the upper leaves.
Next we have part 23 on the formation of Igneous rock formations on M class planets. Today’s episode exmines the formation of crystline structures in the cooling process.

This will be Followed by the manditory letters of complaint by emotional Humans regarding what they consider the Dullness of the show. After that we have 28 hrs of footage of the life span of the Doreegian Fruit fly so don’t forget to get your children to watch and observe…"

Wouldn’t that mean they had eight kids?

Hey, that was a good episode. I especially liked Sadok’s theory about magma heat variation.

oh yeah he really made it come alive with his straight reading from his tricorder. Nothing beats numbers being read aloud in that powerful monotone voice. Really captured the interest of the viewer.

I think his logic was flawed, i perfer T’Snot’s theory myself, the logic flows as well as the magma beneath Vulcan!

I would watch that. It sounds much like the programming I like now.
