Netflix-compatible DVD player

I’m looking to buy my wife a DVD player that is compatible with Netflix, for our bedroom TV. This way she can watch Netflix movies and shows in bed. However, I haven’t looked at DVD players in a long time, and could use some help.

The TV in question is a standard TV, and I will be connecting it via those cables with 3 outputs (video, left audio, right audio), forgot what they are called… However, I might upgrade the TV in 6 or 7 months when I graduate, so would like the ability to hook up to an HDTV. Also, it would be advantageous to have an HDMI in on the player, but not required.

So, what should I be looking for when I go out tomorrow? I really have no experience with the latest technology, so wouldn’t know what is a good price, or what exactly I should be looking for.


RCA Cables!

I personally still think that the Ps3 is the best bet, but admittedly I’m biased my enjoyment of video games. But the blu-ray players that are Netflix ready tend to retail around 150 USD, IIRC.

Just about any blu-ray player seems to have netflix support. As well as pandora radio and other network audio and video streaming apps.

My Samsung was less than $150 and I was looking at another at Walmart a couple of days ago that was somewhere in the $95 range.

I helped my parents pick out a Samsung bluray player that had Netflix/Pandora, it was $130 and had wireless access, which meant we didn’t have to run any ethernet cords anywhere. There was a wired version for about $100.

Buy your HDMI cord now, from somewhere like or so that you don’t pay BestBuyRetail prices. (Though if you’re in a time crunch, I did find a 6 foot HDMI cord at Target for $17 - I was shocked.)