Netflix-like porn rental?

There was an article in Wired about a Netflix-like service for porn. Linked to this was a site for gay porn, the idea of which I enjoy. If you want to research it yourself, you might find it at maleboxdvd dot com, but I don’t want to link to it, since it’s very obviously NSFW.

So my question: Do you know of any other service you’d recommend for such a thing? I don’t want to just jump into this, because 20 dollars a month isn’t going to be exactly awesome if this service is horrible, or if there’s a much cooler one available.

As the OP was careful to do, watch the links, folks!

bluecine dot com

Part of GreenCine, an alternative to Netflix, based in San Francisco.

Thanks for the compliment, but more importantly, you’re a mod now? Congratulations to you, indeed.

That’s right. He’s This Year’s Moderator.

Well, it’s certainly more economical than the place that I was looking at, but they have fewer than 500 gay movies. I would much rather like to pay 15 dollars a month… Hmm.

Could it have been sugardvd .com?

bluedoor dot com also carries exclusively adult titles

That seems like it could be the punchline of a great joke.

Wow, I like GreenCine. I may sign up there to buttress my Netflix subscription.

I took the plunge last night, and went with the website in my OP. I wanted to use GreenCine, but they don’t deliver to my zip code. :confused:

Chaoticbear, thank you for starting this thread! :slight_smile:

Dammit, now I have to decide between these two services! :wink: SugarDVD seems closest to Netflix, even down to the rental queue (which I like). But then, I also like the idea of Blue Door’s a la carte rental system. Decisions, decisions…

Do each of you use the site you mention? If so, any problems/issues/things I should be aware of?

If you’re looking for straight porn, you could try going to wantedlist dot com, which is the sister site of the people that I’m using. I can’t report back on their reliability yet, because I haven’t gotten my DVDs yet or anything, but the gay version has the queue also.

Thanks again, chaoticbear! :slight_smile:

SugarDVD offers a $10/month “beginner” plan with 1 DVD out at a time, and their 2-DVD plan is $1/month cheaper than WantedList’s cheapest plan (also 2 DVDs). I think I’ll start with SugarDVD and 1 DVD at a time; if I don’t like the selection or service, I’ll know there are options.

I love this messageboard. :smiley:

At least with DVDs, you don’t have to rewind them… Sometimes when tapes aren’t rewound, you get that awkward moment when the tape starts in the middle, and you realize exactly why it’s stopped there.

How about Netflix-style (removed dildo link - TYM) :eek:


And on that note, I’m going to close this thread.


Thank you for reconsidering, TYM.

Just thought I’d report that I got my first disc from SugarDVD today – 2 days earlier than they estimated. The packaging is very similar to Netflix, with a blue color scheme instead of red and the envelope opening on the right instead of left. I got the correct disc in the correct sleeve, and it seems to be in decent condition (haven’t watched it yet).

So far, so good. :slight_smile: