Netflix user inteface - is this infomation accurate?

The Netflix interface has always made me want to bang my head against a wall. If you poke around at movies, you get the idea that there are a bunch of internal classifications that the customers can’t use to sort.

If you’ve got all the data there, please, let me look for movies made between 1960 and 1965, that fall into the catagory “Mystery”. Give me a big old list of options, and check boxes.

And trying to browse using anything other than a computer is even more frustrating.

Sadly, I’m pretty much hanging with Netflix only until something better comes along.

Being able to see all the damn shows in some order or other works fine for me. But I’m a command line kind of guy.

It did make me glad that I have DVD as well as streaming - lots of stuff ain’t there.

Personally, I think Netflix has peaked. None of the movies I want to watch or watched before are available any longer for streaming. It seems the choice has decreased, and is now mostly documentaries and little else. Anyone else feel this way?

If Net neutrality doesn’t get passed in some form, I think Netflix will be dead. Someone, probably Comcast, will decide to throttle the signal for Netflix, and push their own on-demand services.

I also wonder if Amazon will start making deals with their suppliers like “We’ll push your movies on blu-Ray to the top of the list, but you have to give us exclusive rights to offer your movies on-demand”