neutron star is a fucking idiot

**neutron dude[b/]
. I’m also only 21 years of age and I shall be starting school soon.

Explain - College? University? Night classes? Kindergarten? :slight_smile:

That was a most average flame, I reckon you are still some way down.

You make some claims about the South and I guess you know the rules by now - lets see some backup on them .

If you can substantiate those claims why would you suppose that anyone on this board is directly responsible? - substantiation please.

Don’t bother frying me - I’m not worthy nor am I as bright as you are ,it would go over my head.

Ultress help me out with this goddamm folding chair would you, I’ll only hurt myself .I promise to keep away from the barbecue just pour me a beer, please.

Ok casdave I’m gonna show you one more time how to work the chair, that’s it. Stay away from the bbq flames, here’s a cold one for you, just sit back and relax.

One question (about all my poor lil’ Southern mind can keep track of at one time). How do you expect to get a decent education in the worst fucking school systems in the country, or are you planning to cummute to Harvard?

Not exactly. It’s just yet another way a Southerner is kicking your Yankee ass on a daily basis. Let’s see, so far I’ve got you on intellect, spelling, location, job satisfaction, education, flaming and finance…

You are admittedly the frontrunner in the “Look At Me - I Just Shat My Britches” contest.

I assume by school you mean a university of some kind. Most Southerners I know usually take this step upon completion of high school. Although I’m sure it was cool to be the only one in 9th grade who could get into the R-rated movies without a guardian, I wouldn’t brag about it here.

At least as much as it takes to say “I’m calling you on behalf of an overdue invoice. Could you send us some money?”

You know how when you want to relax, or dance, or party, or just drive around and listen to music? I create that. You create shit. You spew filth, bigotry, and stereotypical racist crap. Justify your existence.

FWIW, I have studied music theory both in college and on my own for several years. If you really want to know the construction of the Chromatic Hypodorian Inverse scale I would be happy to tell you. (I removed “discuss” in that last for obvious reasons.)

Psst … you’re not that hot at math either.

Not sure, what are my choices? I see you’ve already laid claim to the uninformed hateful generalizing stupid fuck. What’s left to pick from?

This OP is obviously in reply to something I read. QED.
Not a student of logic either, I see.

Ah, even the sun shines on a dog’s ass from time to time.
Don’t let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

People sidestepped it because it’s not black and white (unlike your worldview).

As much as I hate to inject facts into your hate-blinded fantasy:

**Poverty Rates.**According to this New Mexico and D.C. have the highest poverty rates from 1996-1998.

**Education.**According to U.S. News The South can lay claim to 12 of the top business schools, 10 of the top law schools, 12 of the top medicine schools, and 10 of the top engineering schools. Schools here mean “graduate schools”, which of course leaves your ass far out in the cold, but it’s nice to know for those who have higher education as an option.

[Since I don’t consider D.C. “Southern” per se I did not include DC-area schools here. But, if you’re gonna hit up D.C. as the South for poverty, you’ve got to bump up those school numbers even higher. I also didn’t bother looking up every category of school.]

**Pollution.**According to varous reports at PIRG pollution in terms of clean air and water are roughly 50/50 between Southern and Non-Southern states. (Although they certainly don’t divide the findings in this manner.)

Infant Morality Rates. Sorry, according to this report That dubious honor belongs to CA and NY. Can you guess why?

According to the same report, of the top 9 states with the highest infant mortality rates, 6 of them are not Southern states.

I didn’t bother searching for information on corrupt officials. If I wanted to debate this shit, I would go to GD and do so. It’s not a simple pit-type discussion. In fact, it’s similar to you trying to explain how you can see with your head so far up your ass that people call you the “Anal Donut Man.” It takes a while to understand all the implications.

I did turn up something about a stupid fucking Yankee clerks working in the South with the intellect of dead babies and dirtying up the air and water while taking it up the ass for a chance at a promotion (or a pack of smokes), but wasn’t sure if that was what you meant.

Thank you for showing your ignorance once again.

Yes I live in Japan. Unlike you I like where I live -despite the occasional uncomfortable feeling of being a “stranger in a strange land.” Also, I suspect you’re such a giant walking prick people from any given region of the globe would offend you.

Of course, I’ve also lived in Honduras, Italy, and Korea. That’s what people who are in the military (as I used to be) do. I have shit in more countries than you’ll ever see.
I’ve always enjoyed living wherever I was, and I’ve always missed home.

You are welcome to use my ballsac hair as dental floss.

Now can I get some BBQ and iced tea?

Dammit! I just saw neutron star’s apology.

As I am a Southern Gentleman, I accept his apology and retract my last.

Waste of a damn good flame there, Astroglide. Hope I get to see you get pissed off again. (And no, I don’t want to be the one to do it!)

Well being a true ‘southern belle’ I guess I’ll just have to accept the apology too. Even if he did start another thread about misspelled signs in another forum. Let me just gather up my lawn chairs and get the flame put out. ** astroglide** you did good hon. Here’s ya tea. Drink it on the way out. This one’s dead.

(Note to self: never piss off Astroglide …)

Astroglide, anatawa tensai desu!

Your first flame I’d put at a 9.0, the second one made a 9.5. You did good, especially for a southern boy. I’m in NC right now, and it’s not a bad place to live at all. Pretty durn nice, actually.

How long are you in JP for? Want us to send you some sweet tea? Or chocolate? I have noticed that one thing the Japanese are not good at making is chocolate (watashi wa chocoreto ga sukii(sp?)desu).

Raleigh, NC