neutron star is a fucking idiot

My first Pit post (hope it meets the lofty standards):

In the Southern stereotypes and casual slurs thread neutron star expresses his displeasure with Southerners.

Well, dip my balls in sweet milk and set me in a kitchen full of kittens.

Just to strut my two-dollar redneck shit out:
I was born in GA, and raised in NC.
I’m a member of Mensa, 3.8 average in college (My sisters are smarter than I.)
I play in a band with a black drummer (damn, Claude whatever will the neighbors think.)
I am happily married to a lovely Japanese woman! (the shame! the horror!)

Since this is the pit, I’m not going to argue with you. Just make fun of you.

You are a fucking billing clerk. I make more in 3 hours on stage that you do all week. A fucking clerk.

You work in an area you obviously dislike, why? Unable to cut it in the big city, Mr. Sophistication? How pathetic it is to live where one dislikes.

Fucking paperpusher.

Speaking of ignorance, the links you posted do not support your view! They do however, support the view that yours is a close-up of your own sphincter. How ironic.

Ignorant fucking clerk.

You ramble on about spelling on signs in the South in another post. Yet, your profile says you are interested in the “Aquisition of knowledge”.

You stupid fuck. A-C-Q-U-I-S-I-T-I-O-N.

I am neither a racist nor a bigot. I just love being Southern. Mainly, it’s the country ham and boiled peanuts.

You wanna talk about racism, try being a gaijin in Japan. Actually, first try being a member of the human fucking race. Once you have achieved what I’m sure to you will be a state of high enlightenment, then move on to feeding yourself and cleaning the drool off around your mouth; later you can take on such social skills as refraining from self-pleasure in public and de-lousing yourself.

You sir, are nothing more than a bag of skin keeping piss and shit off the sidewalk.

I suggest you stop licking the image of Tori Amos (Tori Amos? Goddammit.) gracing your monitor and get back to work so you may be promoted to Junior Assistant Gopher of the Mail Room.

I thank you for your time.


I’d give it a 9.5 also, but I have to subtract 1 point sfter the 1st “fuck”, as then it loses its shock value and shows a lack of innovation, so — 3.5. But it shows promise. Better than “fucking twit”, at least.

Superb rant indeed. 9.0, as far as I’m concerned. However, I’m curious what Neutron has to say. I must say I actually like the guy, and I haven’t read the thread in question. Guess I’ll do that now.

I agree, definitely a 9.5
Now there is a southern for ya!!!

** Sigh. So many men, so few who can afford me ** Original by Wally

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Occupation: Temptress
Location: Ultra, California
Interests: surpluses, excesses, abundances, extras, lagniappes
profile by UncleBeer

Damn, it’s too early in the morning.


Much better.

** Sigh. So many men, so few who can afford me ** Original by Wally

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Occupation: Temptress
Location: Ultra, California
Interests: surpluses, excesses, abundances, extras, lagniappes
profile by UncleBeer

8.5 I liked the beat and you can understand the words plus it would be east to dance to.

One of the few to be personally welcomed to this board by Ed Zotti.

Yours truly,

and you, sir, just gave me a quote to use sometime.

Very nice flame!

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Hmm, I like this one - mind if I save it for future use?

Gee, I’m Southern born and bred, and haven’t even bothered to read the thread! (Oh hell - that fuckin’ rhymed. :o) Guess I should go see what’s being said about us darn ignorant rednecks.

Of course, I may be too stupid to understand any insults. :frowning:

God is love. Love is blind. Ray Charles is blind. Therefore, Ray Charles is God.

Thought it was getting too quiet round here.

Oh and 9.0 pretty damn good lets see if your subject can match it.

Don’t forget the sorghum syrup. Or the barbecue.

sheez ** Easy **

One of the few to be personally welcomed to this board by Ed Zotti.

Yours truly,

Wondered when you would catch that. Looks like this flame is destined to die. Neutron doens’t have the sense to respond I guess. At any rate, I’ve got the lawn chairs ready and the drinks are icing down. Let’s see what happens.

** I’m a 'silly little southern belle ass. Sigh. ** Original by needs2know

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Beats me though how anyone with out a death wish would want to bash 1/4 of the country in one thread. That is only surpassed by MHL who bashed the entire country. Seems like it would be akin to burying yourself up to your head in the middle of a polo field.

What kind of drinks you got ultress?
Mind if I set with you? (ooching into a chair)

Ah lack kim silly southern belle’s asses.

One of the few to be personally welcomed to this board by Ed Zotti.

Yours truly,

Well my best friend, you just take your choice. I have a variety. I’m sure we can find something to please you.

** I’m a 'silly little southern belle ass. Sigh. ** Original by needs2know

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.


It was a good flame.

Shame it had to come from a cracker-ass redneck, but not everyone can be from the West.


" The term Yankee is most slippery:
In the rest of the world, a Yankee is an American.
In the south, he is a Northerner."
In the North, he lives in New England."
In New England, a yankee is someone from Vermont."
In Vermont, it’s a Vermonter who eats pie for breakfast." - Mark Twain

Serial Poster Girl Sounds alomost naughty :wink:

Country ham and spicy boiled peanuts sounds really good right now.

Wow, my very own pit thread! Took long enough.

Five lines of post. Ten lines of sig. Beautiful.

You make more money than me. Whoop de freakin’ do! As we all know, money defines one’s value as a person. I’m also only 21 years of age and I shall be starting school soon. Exactly how much education does it take to play in a band anyway?

I said not all Southerners are stupid. I said it 6,000 fucking times in that thread. What kind of a stupid fuck are you?! Do you possess the ability to read? Or are you one of those people that only sees the words they want to see?

You seem awfully obesessed with my occupation. Shit, at least I work more than three hours a week. I’m not the one who describes himself as “a bum” in my profile. Lazy fuck.

It’s called a fucking typo. Get over it. The signs I was referring to probably took hours to paint by hand. My profile was hastily pounded out in a matter of seconds. There’s a difference, dipshit.

My wife is from here. She likes being near her family. For the record, they are nice, smart, non-racist people, unlike most of the idiots I run into on a daily basis. Once we both finish school, we’ll be packing up and moving far, far away.

Then why don’t you live there anymore?

I’d also like to know why, if the South is so goddamn wonderful, are the poverty rates here the highest in the country, the education the worst, pollution the worst, officials the most corrupt, infant mortality rates the highest, etc, etc, etc … ? Everyone kinda sidestepped that question in the other thread.

You are truly the meaning of the word ‘idiot’. And you talk about Southerners. If you would scroll down a few more posts, if that is at all possible, you will notice that I corrected my mistake. I don’t think my sig line is really any concern of yours. If you don’t like it then don’t read it. It happens to be that some people on the board thought enough of me to pass it along to me, which I doubt you will ever have to worry about.
How much education does it take? I don’t think that there is enough out there for you if you stay in school the rest of your life. Welcome to the board, you are a reminder of what we are fighting, ignorance.
Thank you for NOT being southerner. One more reason we can hold our heads up high. And since I try very hard to maintain a lady-like demeanor, I won’t type the words, but take another look at the thread title…it fits.