Nevada Senate 2010: Reid vs. Angle


I confess to wondering greatly how much success Reid’s campaign will have getting people to actually pay attention to their strategy (which is mostly just pointing and saying “listen to what Sharron Angle said about —”) given the political history and climate in Nevada.

I mean, there’s a bunch of people here who HATE him with the fury in Marilyn Quayle’s eyes, and I know they will largely be immune to the Reid campaign’s tactics. But we also have a lot of moderates who are fairly new to the state, and a lot of them are approaching this election with pretty much a blank slate for both of these candidates, and I’ve been wondering how the rhetoric has been being assimilated by that bloc.

Here is an interesting article about Sharron Angle’s views, according to a survey she filled out.
Against Gay adoption, against all abortions, against Federal funding of schools, thinks churches should be able to be politically active and lots more fun facts.

I found this WaPo op/ed piece, which also includes a helpful link to the questionnaire itself (.pdf!).

Note the name of the PAC, btw.

I wonder if Angle will try to duck that . . .

If not, it’s gonna be one hell of a beatdown.

That would have all the drama of a boxing match between Mike Tyson and Stephen Hawking.

Yeah, like Mondale v. Reagan or Dukakis v. Bush or Gore v. W . . . but look how those turned out . . .

Reid is going to lose in November. Sharron “dismantle the government” Angle has the support of the people she wants to destroy, namely elderly people dependent on Social Security, the unemployed, and people dependent on Medicare. Most polls show the race is not even close. I’m predicting a landslide 10+ victory for Angle, and I’m just praying she doesn’t get a chance to do too much damage before Nevada wakes up.

Most polls I’ve seen have had Reid up by a few points. The first few hits googling “Reid Angle poll” have the race within two or three points, with Reid being in a slight lead in most of them.

Huh? Even Rasmussen (usually the friendliest of 'Pub pollsters) has Reid up by 2.

The polls I was recalling were Angle +12 shortly after she secured the nomination. I’m surprised it has swung so far the other way in such a short time.

This is happening in a number of races. Once these hard-rights actually get in front of the voters, the support is dropping. It’s hard to tell old people that you think the government is spending too much money on them and keep their vote.

The primary was 2 months ago. That’s 40% of the campaign days.

Republicans will still vote for her. They will find a way to justify it. She may join the Bachmann /Palin right wing group of retarded female politicians. She would be a great addition.

Jon Ralston, one of our excellent local political writers, wrote a terrific piece about what I described above in post #21.

Ralston takes the time to acknowledge there are things that could be seen as legitimate gripes, of a sort, only to conclude

And that’s what’s making this race so much fun (and of so much import) to watch. Despite the fact that it should be a lock, it isn’t. There’s always the chance that we’re going to voluntarily hand over authority to a lunatic. I’m not saying Mrs. Angle is a lunatic, I’m just saying that that chance is always there in a democracy.

And I can’t quite put my finger on why, but I think the chance is higher in a democracy where Sharron Angle is running for office.

How can any one hate Reid. he is the epitome of a boring politician. his speech is a slow low drawl that is mind numbing. He elicits somnambulism, not anger. You don’t have to count sheep to sleep, when a Reid speech is handy. Yet Angle is a nut. She makes Palin look like a serious politician. Angle says something new and stupid every day. Angle thinks health care is against the first commandment for crying out loud.

Well, ignoring the crazy of Angle, I hate Reid because he has been such a complete and total pussy during his time as Senate Majority Leader. He had sixty Senators in his caucus and his constant refrain was “Gosh, we can’t get anything done!”. Perhaps Pelosi should have loaned him some of her extra testicles.

I also think that people should stop looking at Angle as a completely looney bitch (she is), and start looking at the GOP and Nevada voters and ask themselves how someone like her can get so close that she’s got a chance at a Senate seat. They also need to ask themselves what it says about those voters that she says the things she does (ie. the crazy shit) in the expectation that it will HELP her get elected.


Of course, I don’t live in Nevada so my opinion of Reid is completely irrelevant.

Reid ,like all leaders, calculates votes before he tries to introduce any bills. The Repubs vote as a block of 40 forcing a filibuster ratio to pass anything. All they have to do is buy one Dem and a bill fails. The lobbyists pound the senators to vote their way. Since huge amounts of money are needed to run a campaign in America, they are able to be bought . Our system is run by big money.
Angle should embarrass the Arizonans. But she will get a lot of votes. She is a demonstration of how bad our political system has become. She is totally incompetent and stupid. Yet many Repubs will still cast a vote for her.

And the Ohioans and the New Yorkers and the Virginians and all other Americans. But I think she ought to especially embarrass the Nevadans.

I was watching CNN recently and Wolf B was talking with some other guy about the Reid-Angle contest. I kept thinking that there was something really odd about the whole exchange - you’d get comments about how unpopular Reid was in the same breath as mentioning that he was ahead in the polls - until I finally realized that they wanted Reid to lose the race. And they wanted this not because of any political bias unlike some other networks we could name or because of the relative merits and demerits of the two candidates but simply because “House Majority Leader Loses Seat to Oddball Challenger” is a much more exciting story than “Boring Incumbent Wins Against Oddball Challenger”. That was the underlying theme of the conversation - what a big story it would be if Reid lost.

Welcome to the post-Obama media landscape, folks. I guess after the whole “First Black President” thing it’s hard to face covering an election cycle without some big new hook to hang your round-the-clock blathering on.

Bah. Hit the time limit in mid-edit.