Never used an ATM? Then you can be in charge of our new banking regulation!

Does this belong in the pit?
I can’t stop laughing until I start crying. Then I start laughing again.

Oh, Jesus. That really is hilariously terrible.

As a younger person, I don’t really understand why folks like my dad have such an aversion to ATMs. Perhaps someone with a little more life experience can enlighten me. I’ve almost never had an issue with the bank messing up a deposit (I think it has happened once in the last 8 years I’ve been using ATMs almost exclusively) and things have gotten VASTLY better with Bank of America’s new thing where they scan the actual check onto your receipt, clearing it much, much faster.

My dad, on the other hand, just told me that he used an ATM for the first time in five years yesterday. He also never uses his debit card, always cash- whereas I use my debit card for everything if I’m too lazy to get cash. . . out of the ATM.

Well, it’s mildly humourous, but I can see where the old dudes are coming from. I’ve sent maybe a half dozen text messages in my life and can’t really imagine I’m going to make a habit out of it in the future.

There comes a point in most people’s lives where learning the latest technology is just not very interesting. They’ve always gotten money from a teller and still can, so why bother changing?

I’m 47. I don’t have a clue about a lot of current music or TV shows and don’t plan on learning.

It took me forever to convince my parents to use their credit card at the gas station. I mean, it is SO MUCH EASIER to pay at the pump with a credit card than to go inside and pay (with a credit card or cash). Like, a MILLION times easier. Heck, even if I am planning on going inside to buy something I still pay at the pump with my credit card.

It’s not like they have an aversion to using their credit card. They know they pay it off every month. They understand that, with the way they handle finances, credit is the same as cash.

It’s just the swiping and the instant gratification that…scares them?

These aren’t just any old people! These are our policy makers. It’s incumbent on these people to keep up with technology, especially if something is coming up for a vote. I mean, we don’t let tons of professionals say “Oh, I don’t care about new technology” - they have to go for classes.

Plus it just shows how out of touch with the average American these rich old men are.

Yes, if I were in their position, I’d want to try these things out, just to understand what other people are talking about.

True. But no one’s asking you to become an early adopter on the latest gear from Apple. You don’t want to send texts? Fine. But you’re probably not in line for the CEO job at Sprint.
Not up to speed on the current music? Well, I probably won’t hire you to direct my next pop video.

But if you’re in charge of deciding whether ATM fees are too high or not, and have never used the technology much less understand the basic concepts behind it…
well, there’s a problem.

Yeah, but cut the guy a break! He’s willing to learn!

Effin’ hilarious.

Hmm, so when I get the feeling that the people running my city, my province, my country are desperately out of touch with what is actually going on in MY life, I’m probably right?

Good points all around, but I don’t think, for example, the CEO of Intel needs to be an ASIC designer or even know anything about how integrated circuits are actually manufactured.

To state that these guys are ignorant of the banking business because they don’t use ATMs is a stretch.

I think in some ways it speaks to people making the rules for all of us being devastatingly out of touch - maybe because they’re too old and not interested in keeping up in even the most basic ways, maybe because they’ve always had people to do every little thing for them.

But I would say that if the CEO if Intel has never used a computer, we do have a bit of a problem. Well, they do.

On a couple of occasions, I taught people how to use an ATM in Bulgaria. And once I stood behind a woman, and watched her make three separate transactions because she apparently wanted more cash than the set options, but didn’t realize that she could just type in however much she wanted. It always seemed hilarious to me, that these adults didn’t know how to use one, but then I would remind myself that ATMs have only been around for a few years, and are even now only very recently being installed in smaller towns, like the one I lived in.

And these poor people in a developing country where modern banking is only now catching on STILL knew more than these US senators. what the fuck.

I’ve been using ATMs for 35 years. So it’s not like they were invented when the guy was already 100 years old.

p.s. – If the guy is “modern” enough to have fake hair and a facial then he’s certainly hip enough to use an ATM. He was born in 1941 so he’s younger than my Dad, who’s been using one for decades as well.

This is so going to be my Sig from now on!

I understand the overarching point about not being acquainted with technology, but I’d be more concerned if he was a regular user of ATM’s rather than not using them at all. Using an ATM is about the worst financial decision this side of payday loans. Paying an immediate 10-20% surcharge for accessing your own money is just crazy and could be avoided in 95% of cases with just a little bit of foresight.

I see people in a freaking grocery store using the ATM and paying $2 for the privledge, when they could easily grab a pack of gum or an apple and get cash back for free, coming out about $1.25 plus some food ahead in the deal.

People who use ATM’s with any sort of regularity are more financially illiterate than the guy in the OP.

What’s this 10-20% surcharge? Does your bank charge this amount, or at all, for using their ATMs; mine doesn’t. Even when other banks do charge, they tell you so and how much, so you can choose to abort the transaction if you don’t want to pay the fee.

I thought getting cashback from the grocery store when buying something was free also. Because I needed more than their maximum of $50.00 cashback, I did two transactions. I got hit with two $3.00 fees. Because it was a full cart of groceries, split into two purchases and not single items, and it doesn’t display the fee as I was punching in myPIN, etc., I didn’t realize the fees had been added until I got home.

I agree with you though that people should be careful about using their ATM cards and giving away money needlessly.

What’s an ATM? What’s cash? You guys are out of touch.

ATMs are last century’s technology.

Did anyone else notice the weird guerrilla marketing in the linked story?