"Blair fears new ‘Cold War’ over rift with the US
Tuesday April 29th 2003
BRITISH Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday issued a warning that the world would be plunged back into an insecurity and tension reminiscent of the Cold War unless Europe and America quickly repaired the transatlantic relationship.
On the eve of talks in Moscow with President Vladimir Putin, who strongly opposed the war in Iraq, Mr Blair said there was a real danger that the advanced world would split into rival power blocs.
"My fear is that if we do not deal with the world on the basis of a partnership between Europe and America, then we will in a sense put back into the world the divisions that we wanted to get rid of when the Cold War finished.
“I think that would be just a disaster for the world.”
Mr Blair fears that the bad feeling caused by the war will exacerbate anti-Americanism in Europe, leading to a permanent rift.
Aiming his comments mainly at President Jacques Chirac, he said European leaders were facing a crucial time that would shape the future of global diplomacy. If they saw themselves as competitors to America, the dangers for world security and the global economy would be profound.
Toby Helm
in London"
This is not the first time TB has warned against a second Cold War. I don’t think that’s going to happen, though. I don’t think the EU, or Europe as a whole, is in any position to compete against America. What I think would be healthy, though, is the EU as a counterweight, to keep the power in balance. I don’t think it’s a good idea to let the world be dominated by one nation, there should be a democracy of nations, not an “Empire” with one nation having all the say over all the others.
Why is TB so insistent on this? Is this a valid point he’s making or is he scaremongering the EU nations into complying with the US?
Why is he so insistent that the EU should make amends, not the US?
Any thoughts on this?