New favorite YouTube video

How’re these for a sappy antidote?

“Uhh…they’ll be much happier as ghosts.” “You don’t look so happy.” “Oh I’m happy, I’m very happy. La la la la la la!

Here’s your answer to what actually happened.

Thanks. I needed that.


No no, those are tears of joy. This is the first time he has realized his dream of flight. He closes his eyes to experience the bliss of the wind in his face.

If you like time-lapse photography, check out the absolutely stunning movie Baraka by Ron Fricke. There’s probably some clips from it on YouTube (that won’t do it justice), but my internet is too slow right now to bother looking them up. I know Imdb has a trailer.

Might not mean much to anyone not an Australian but this one about Kevin Rudd (the new Australian Prime Minister) is great:

The Great Rudd Commands Your Vote

30 minutes of 90’s cartoon openings. There’s also an 80’s one. It’s like a concentrated stream of nostalgia.

I do want to believe that … but … it’s hard …

This was probably posted in the past but if not, there is an interview with the animator here: Your Domains

He did another one that is supposed to be very compelling also, called “Pony,” but I can’t get it to play. There’s a link in the interview - it’s not under the same account that “Kiwi” was posted from.

This totally made my day. Thanks!

I miss Pirates of Dark Water.

Well, I’ve become more than a little curious about that Kiwi! video and whoever made it, and it appears that the links above may be some random person who has reposted the original creator’s work and neglected to credit him. I’ve posted a comment on that person’s page asking if he’s Madyeti47, the original artist, posting under another account, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get an answer.

I get very annoyed with people who take other people’s work and pass it off as their own.

So if anyone is interested: the actual creator of that little gem is Dony Permedi .

Known on YouTube as Madyeti47.

Here is his IMDB entry for the film: Kiwi! (Short 2006) - IMDb


This one is just ingenius, I think:

It’s basically a play off of all of those AFI Top 100 lists such as songs from movies, quotes from movies, movies themselves, etc.

What this one is, though, is a top 100 list that counts down where someone in a movie SAYS the number that they’re at. So number 100 (where it starts) is a clip from a movie where someone says the number 100, the next one is a clip from a movie where someone says the number 99…and so on, and so forth.

I thought it was really done and put together well. :slight_smile:

I love the part in the middle where the actors seem to get confused about which number they’re at.

“I’m only 55…no, 56.” “57 years? No, 58…”

Both joy and grief, of course. He closes his eyes so he won’t know when it’s about to end and can enjoy the moment. WE know, of course. All of that is what makes it poignant.

Idle Thoughts, thanks a million for sharing this truly amazing clip. I wonder how someone could achieve such a feat. By the way, The Guardian’s film critic has deemed it the best YouTube video of all time. (Of course, “all time” being what, a couple of years?, but anyway.)

I got to 73 before I was too bored to continue.

Ah Fuck, I Can’t Believe he’s Done This

It is not my favorite really but a must see for the into “TEH Internet Pop Culture.”

“Cherry Chocolate Rain” Original Song By Tay Zonday

They may finally take the internet away from us now.

Mike Huckabee/Chuck Norris ad:

I only made it to 85. Neat in concept, boring in actually watching.

ETA: The talking cats video actually got my cat’s attention, and she never pays any attention to anything on the computer.