New name game

Bored out of my skull this morning, I made up a game in which I invert the syllables in a multisyllabic person’s name. For some reason, it’s funniest with movie stars:

Lanc Burtaster
Doug Kirklas
Hoffin Dustman
Fonry Henda
Bauren Lacall
Chaplie Charlin
Pac Alcino
Fara Mirrow
Branlon Mardo

But you can do it with historical figures:

Wash Georgington
Hamixander Alelton
Lincraham Aboln

or authors:

Mailan Normer
Pynchas Thomen
Ephra Noron

It’s fun! Have a go!

Rooslin Frankevelt
Truy Harrman
Nixard Richon
Clever Groveland
Orack Babama
Johndon Lynson
Carmy Jimter

Dostoedor Feovsky
W. G. Hells
Stein Johnbeck
Cromiver Olwell
Nichard Rixon

I don’t why I find these funny but I do

Bophrey Humgart
Garta Grebo
Gab Clarkle
Grary Cant
Heparine Cathburn
Jefferas Thomson
Welson Orses
Roosedore Theovelt

Shermes Hollock

Or is it

Hermes Sollock?

Donald E. Westlake did this in one of the Dortmunder novels. As a homage of sorts to hardboiled crime writer Jim Thompson, he named one of the characters Tom Jimson.

ETA: Or should I say Westald E. Donlake?

Plake Snisskin
Parter Peker
J. James Jonahson
Mast Baterson
Eger Robert
Burrol Carnett
Shepan Alherd
Ebara Barden
Taybeth Elizalor
Soren Lophia

Cumedict Benberbatch

Dickely Emerson
Whit Waltman
Lenpoe Edgaral
Foert Robst
Willard Richbur
Melman Herville
Vid Goral
Polson Jackock
Piclo Pabasso
Wardy Anhol
Hitchfred Alcock
Kubley Stanrick
Mulon Esk

Speverend Rooner

Pepperfessor Proffewinkle

Stavester Syllone
Henest Ermingway

Frigmund Seud
Duvert Roball
Roson Jabards
Jackdrew Anson
Dian Jodion
Spruce Bingsteen
Capman Truote
Vonnert Kugut

The amazing thing, to me, is that I look at some of them, like Vonnert Kugut, right after I jumble them up and ask myself “Who the hell is that?”

Tronald Dump

Croesus Jist*
Brautard Richigan
Heleph Josler
Wordiam Willsworth
Tarentin Quentino
Monlyn Mariroe
Trury Harman
Glonny Danver
Buonoangelo Michelroti
Curty Tonis
Lewy Jerris

  • I know that’s not a last name

Uni Johnitis
Robbie Jackinson
Mantey Mickle
Suthald Donerland
Chasica Jesstain
Dafem Willoe
Moson Jamoa
Kidole Nicman
Arsi Denaz
Hayling Sterden
Garcy Jeria
Stauger Robach
Ronda Linstadt

Maybe this is funnier to me than to anyone else?

Columpher Christobus
Manny Barilow
Crew Darey

Ramek Viviswamy doesn’t really work, does it?

Shakiam Willspeare
Melman Herville

I did old Melman in post #8.

The hard part is coming up with plausible sounding, if weird, names. The other hard part is looking at a name after you think it up and not being able to recognize who this strange person really is.

One of the best, most plausible names is almost perfect–if my harsh but fair rules didn’t apply I could move one “g” around to make a first name of “Ginseng” but I still like the name “Ginsen Allberg”–ain’t that a good one?

Other plausibles are “Coopy Garer” and “Lina Mosa.”

I’m also partial to “Bogdaner Petovich” and “Beatren Warty.” (His sister “Macley Shirlaine” is also pretty good.) “Wayce Brune,” “Kenny Teddedy,” “Karis Borloff,” “Tayland Hollor,” and “Roski Polanman” also have the ring of real (if weird) names.