New Prestige TV Series: Showtime's Billions with Paul Giamatti and Damian Lewis

Both are big personas and this is set up for maximum scenery-chewing, hopefully in a good way. The fact that the NYTimes reporter and author of Too Big Too Fail, Aaron Ross Sorkin, is a co-creator is interesting.

Did anyone else see the pilot? Definitely trying to show the inside poker-moves of alpha dogs as they see the inner workings of the moves afoot. Giamatti’s “interesting character attribute” (I will leave unspoiled for now) was used in an interesting way at the beginning and end of the episode.

ETA: assuming you know the basics of the show - Lewis plays a self-made, up from the streets hedge fund billionaire; Giamatti plays a DA who comes from big money and connections, but also wants to wield the office for good.