New Seats at the Periodic Table

Every so often a scientist is able to cram a few more protons and neutrons into an atomic nucleus for a few nanoseconds, thereby “discovering” a new element. Since this has been shown to be possible many times, we know that all of these even higher atomic numbers theoretically exist, and there are reserved places for them in the Periodic Table.

So what is the significance of actually creating these elements? What do scientists learn or even hope to learn by doing this?

For one thing, there may be an “island” of stable transuranic elements – in the 114-118 range, I believe. Some theorists predict that elements in these areas might actually stick around for a while, rather than vanishing in nanoseconds. So we could have useful new artificial elements.

I believe Scientific American did a piece on this last year.

Coincidentally, element 115 is, according to Bob Lazar [ ], the “fuel” for alien spacecrafts’ gravity wave generators. Take that as you will.

The “stable islands” are only a single isotope of a single element, and they’re still not all that stable. If I recall correctly, the next one expected is an isotope of element 114 which is believed to have a lifetime of about 12 seconds.

I don’t know what you require, but that’s stable enough for me.
quoted from Slashdot,

which quotes orig. from Physics World.

this has been discussed here before.

Gotta dig out the source, but I read a very interesting article about the elements stopping at 118. This Chemist believes that it will be impossible to create 119 and up. He put very good information regarding why the energy requirements will make it impossible.

BTW, it’s 11:40 am here and the board are BLAZINGLY fast!!