NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 1)

Kids dis you? They are through - kaput.
Husband wearing a cotton/poly blend shirt? Justifiable homicide.
Neighbor doesn’t invite you to their clambake? Drag them downtown and stone them.
Lose a bet with God? He/she wipes out your children (maybe gives one back!).

Depends whose Bible. The clambake itself is an actionable offense for my people.

Louisiana legislator introduces a bill that could potentially punish teachers who teach that sexism or racism exists.

…or evolution or gravity…

It’s specifically stated in there that you can teach about that, but you have to do it from a balanced viewpoint, you can’t do it from one position over another.

So you can talk about how whites prevented blacks from riding in the front of the bus, as long you give equal time to talking about how blacks prevented whites from sitting in the back of the bus.

Even as the governors of Florida and Texas are banning vaccine passports, the Republican Party is mandating proof of negative covid test in order to attend their spring donors’ retreat.

In the desert as opposed to, say, the Appalachian Trail.

Certainly not the parts of the Trail that go through the Appalachian Mountains . . . the Appalachian Foothills on the other hand…

That’s not very nice calling the 17 year-old a dog.

Facts always get in the way of what Republicans are lying about. It’s why they created Alternative Facts, you know, bull fucking shit.

Or how, by sitting in the back of the bus, blacks forced whites to sit in the front, which is really the dangerous part of the bus if there’s a head-on collision with, say, an 18-wheeler.

Furthermore, I guess you can talk about evolution, as long as you give equal time to the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis?

I would not necessarily object to covering the first two chapters of Genesis, as long as the study clearly illuminates the way they manifestly conflict with each other.

Yes, I’m proud to be an educator and a minister of a religion with two completely contradictory creation stories. And I can’t wait for Louisiana to try to twist the Bible into some sort of history book (and a science text, and a sex education book, and a “Who To Hate And Why That’s Okay” book…)

In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.

Anatole France

If they try, they will do it and competing viewpoints, no matter how factual, will not be given a chance to be presented. Teachers that try to temper the official religious viewpoint will be disciplined and/or fired. Frankly, I have never been impressed with the “Let them try it!” argument.

Well, Evolution is only a “theory.” <sneer>

It will be settled when they take the students to the Creation Museum where they can see Adam and Eve (fully clothed, of course) cavorting alongside dinosaurs.

I was just kidding, any kind of theocracy would be horrible.

I agree with you. Every time I think “THIS’ll show how evil they are and the world will rise up in protest and vote them out.”… well, “they” are shown to be evil, but it doesn’t fix anything.

It would seem that you are greatly underestimating the tally of evil people in this country.

The Strained Hope: Fighting evil since 73BCE (this is taking longer than we had expected)

Jen Psaki plays this game too. Fox News dude Doocy springs “gotcha” question about similarity of Colorado and Georgia voting restriction laws; gets his ass handed to him.

This appears, perhaps, to be the source of those pasture patties: