NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 1)


I guess if you interpret “far less able to deal with threats” as ‘incapable of deploying either nuclear or biological weapons’—sure.

Of course I interpret my phrase to mean something else, along the lines of “far less able to deal with threats in a productive manner that minimizes death and damage.” So, no Nobel for Donny.

By the way, the argument advanced recently (including on this site) that Hunter Biden has a credible claim on a share of this year’s Peace Nobel,* is badly in need of—at the least—a Lincoln Project ad. Just to rub it in.


They are terrorists.

The text there is slightly inaccurate. He never headed the Nobel-winning World Food Programme, but he did run one of its units, World Food Program USA, which was probably a lesser unit, as the US tends to have slightly less life-threatening hunger than most other countries (outside the modeling industry, anyway).

Since June, living in a Republican-lead state has been one of the most important variables in whether you’re going to die from COVID, as the graphic in this tweet shows:

California’s Attorney General has sent a cease and desist order to the state Republican party concerning those drop boxes.

Is that all?
What is going to happen to any ballots that may have been already dropped?

And why isn’t the CA AG ordering all those drop boxes to be confiscated (ETA: or at least impounded) immediately?

Full text (PDF image) of the cease-and-desist order sent by California Attorney General and Secretary of State to various Republican party offices, demanding they immediately stop using those unofficial ballot drop boxes:

(Also cross-posted to the Mail In Good, Bad and Ugly thread.)

The letter demands that the operators of those boxes provide a complete list of the names, addresses, and birthdays of everyone who dropped a ballot in those boxes. Also, demands they surrender all the ballots that they may have in their possession.

Yeah, and now there is a ton of extra work on the election board in having to contact anyone who put their ballot in there.

Wonder how much trouble someone would get in if they just started putting up “Official GOP Ballot Drop Box” signs on dumpsters.

EXCELLENT idea! Maybe we should all start doing this. Although I would leave off the word “Official”, as that probably crosses the illegal line.

Offal GOP Ballot Box?

Technically true, and they won’t know the difference.

I guess this qualifies as a stupid Republican idea since it’s a really nifty graph that tracks COVID-19 cases by State partisanship.


I got an ink pen, only because I had forgotten to add the ZIP code to the witness box on my mom’s ballot envelope. (She went with me to the Board of Elections…she did not receive an ink pen, but now that she knows this is an option for absentee ballot delivery, she’s very enthusiastic about the voting process.)

I got an ink pen too because the lady didn’t want to take it back after I filled in the “I turned this in” form. I don’t blame her, it’s a cheap Bic. I think it’s still in my car.

Here in NZ - where voting ends on Saturday, I hear we’re being given an ORANGE pen when we vote. Apparently it’s good for about 3 words before the ink runs out

That’s wonderful. :smiley:

Thanks so much for a much-needed belly laugh.


I got an ink pen.

I got an ink pen too…

Sorry for the hijack, but I won’t be able to think about anything else til I figure this out:

Why did two people here add another word to “pen”? Are pens that come filled with other liquids common where they’re from?

“May I have an ink pen, so you don’t give me a shampoo pen like last time?”

IME, that’s mainly a thing where “pen” and “pin” are pronounced as homophones.

Trump’s favorite militia, who had called themselves The Proud Boys, have gotten steamed because the LGBTQ community, who had a legit claim to the name first, has taken it back. So now these Trumpistas are calling themselves…


As this tweet illustrates ever so eloquently,, they really did not think this through. But then, like their Orange Julius Caesar, they’re not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

(Yes, I know they’re technically not Republicans, but they’re on that side of the aisle…)

You’ve fallen for another satire site.