New theories of intelligent design - a game

It seems like every time I read about a theory of intelligent design, it comes down to complexity. “You just can’t have a human if 'tweren’t designed!!” Well, hooey. I’m tired of the same old tripe. We need more variety. Here’s my submission:

Quantum A Pathfinding*
A* Pathfinding is an algorithm used in computer games to find a path between your current location and your destination. Basically, it checks every possible path in ever-increasing circles looking for a good route between “here” and “there”.

Quantum Electrodynamics states the same thing is true of light:

Since light itself “doesn’t know where it’s going” it uses A* pathfinding. This is proof that the universe had to be designed by some intelligent being.

Others?? C’mon it’ll be fun! And think, your new submission may one day be presented to the Kansas Board of Education as an alternative to Evil-lution[sup]TM[/sup]!! :smiley:

Love is blind…

okay. I’ll run away before the punchline.

Therefore God was created by Terry Pratchett.

Well, this one was, anyway … :cool:

The universe is too complex to have come about by chance. It was therefore designed by a god.

Who designed the god? The great space turtle.

Who designed the great space turtle? The penultimate space turtle.

And so it goes, turtles all the way down, for 106 levels.

The original turtle was designed by engineers in Palo Alto, CA.

God was invented by Intelligent People to explain things to The Rest Of The People, so that the Intelligent People could be left alone and get on with the business of civilization.
Things have gotten a bit out of control, being that despite our best efforts there are now more The Rest Of The People than ever, and they have turned the tables on us a bit.
The Rest Of The People have decided that God invented the Intelligent People, and that teaching school children about Intelligent People is dangerous, despite efforts of the creators to explain things otherwise.
One day soon the entire sum of existence will implode in a brief, yet tumultuous thunderclap of irony


Excellent, Cluricaun. applause

Cluricaun - yes a darned good argument for Intelligent Design.
I hope I can advance one that is even 1/10 as good.

The proton to electron mass ratio is 1,836 to 1.
The unbelieving secular humanists would have us believe that this number arose “accidentally”.
I think not ! :mad:

The distance from Holyoke, Massachusetts to Santa Fe, New Mexico is 1,836 miles. (I highlighted the word “miles” to show those scientifical types that we believers in Intelligent Design do not use those pagan kilometers).

The number of inches in 51 yards is exactly 1,836.

Andrew Jackson (nicknamed Old ‘Intelligent Design’ Hickory) was President of the United States in 1836.

The digits of PI from decimal place 8,982 through 8,985 are 1 8 3 6

Wow, this is getting spooky. I’d better stop there.

to quote the immortal Douglas Adams;

“I refuse to prove that i exist” says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith, I am nothing”

"But, " says Man “The Babel Fish is a dead giveaway, isn’t it, it couldn’t have evolved by chance, it proves You exist, and so therefore, by your own argument, You don’t”

“Oh dear,” says God, and promptly vanishes in a puff of Logic

“Oh that was easy” says Man, and for an encore, he proves that Black is White, and gets killed on the next zebra (pedestrian) crossing"