The United States Constitution has been in force since 1789. As is fairly well known, I think, the Founding Fathers didn’t expect their document to last anywhere near that long–I recall that Thomas Jefferson himself thought it was good for 20 years or so. Through the years the Constitution has bent–sometimes seriously–but never broken, despite the fact that we’ve been using it for 10 times as long as TJ contemplated. A remarkable document, in my opinion. They built to last in those days.
But there is plenty of disagreement on various parts of the Constitution–up to and including the form of government it created. Lots of people–including quite a few on the SDMB–think there are areas which should be different. I’ve seen and heard, both here and in other places, sentiments to the effect that the whole thing is flawed and should be replaced. (I’ve seen 2sense make statements to this effect more than once, which is why I stuck him in the thread title.) I’ll state for the record that I disagree with this view–on occasions the Constitution is violated and ignored, and the meaning is twisted into ridiculous shapes to support the politics of the moment, but it still works to preserve our basic freedoms. We Americans do not derive our liberties from the sufferance of the government, as is true of so many other places; we derive our liberties from the fact that our government is prohibitted from taking them away. I believe trying to overhaul the Constitution in any large part would endanger those liberties. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
But maybe I’m wrong about that–I try not to confuse my opinions about hypothetical events with facts, however strongly I may argue about them–and maybe the time is coming to either replace or at least recondition the Constitution. Even Ican think of some areas I wouldn’t mind changing–I don’t really want to “fix” the thing, but I can think of some spots I’d like to tinker with. So I throw the question to the membership–what parts of the Constitution should we change? Any of it, all of it, none of it–for the purposes of this thread, let’s assume the whole thing is open for suggestions. We can ignore politics–assume that any recommended change has a chance of being adopted. All Dopers are welcome to stick their two cents in, regardless of nationality or age.
Some examples of what we can change (meant only as examples, not limits):
[li]Government. Change to a parliamentary/prime ministerial system, with whatever modifications we like. (Eg. the House of Representatives elected nationally with proportional representation, HR elects prime minister, Senate remains in current form.) Impose term limits on Congress. Impose term limits on federal judiciary. Remove term limits on presidency. Campaign finance reform.[/li]
[li]Bill of Rights. Modify First Amendment to make it more/less restrictive on free speech, religion, etc. Modify Second Amendment to strengthen/weaken/remove right to bear arms. Modify Fourth through Eighth Amendments to make law enforcement and judicial process lean more in favor of police/suspects; expand/ban capital punishment. Modify Ninth and Tenth Amendments to strengthen/weaken federal/state/inividual powers.[/li]
[li]Other Matters. Permanently permit/ban abortion, flag burning, use of tobacco/drugs. Permanently permit/prohibit governmental discrimination against certain classes (eg. gay people). Establish any special class rights/disabilities. Try to get your particular political opinions enshrined as Constitutional law.[/li][/ul]
In other words, this is your chance to propose any changes to the supreme law of the United States that you find desirable. But…remember that you can’t suggest anythingaround here that someone won’t violently disagree with–you don’t have to defend your suggestions if you don’t want to, but somebody may very well wander in and attack them as poorly thought out/stupid/evil/a sign of the imminent collapse of the Republic.
(I apologize for the length of this OP–I can be verbose with the best (or worst) of them.)
So, Dopers, what say you?