New Year’s Rant Solutions (January mini-rants)

The fireworks fanatics were unusually quiet in my neighborhood last night. Probably because, in this economy, fewer people had several hundreds of dollars to spend this year, just to hear stuff go boom? Or, maybe, the new town ordinance that went into effect this year that makes shooting off fireworks illegal past 12:30am?

Either way, my pups and I were pleased with the outcome.

And just to clarify, I’m not anti-fireworks. I just think some people go a little overboard with them, and have no regard for their neighbors.

Up where I was not much, quiet part of town and we get the distant sound of the places where it does happen.

OTOH Mom’s report meanwhile is that San Juan sounded like the battle was on. Her street is reasonably ok but just a few blocks over they go hardcore. Press reports earlier in the month were indicating sellers of legal regulated fireworks were losing badly in the marketplace vs. the sellers of the illegal stuff.

I didn’t hear any.

Fireworks used to be one of my favorite things. I haven’t been able to see any in years.

My COVID symptoms have stopped but I still feel tired and mopey. I was supposed to go in for an annual physical tomorrow morning (that is four years overdue) but I don’t really love the idea of bringing my COVID to a doctor’s office for no reason, for a non-urgent appointment. Also possibly I don’t want to get up that early.

Very quiet here last night. I appreciated it not sounding like an armed conflict.

My rant turned into a rave, SXM alerted that next month they’ll bump up the price of my subscription, but a 5 minute chat and I’m good at my base rate for another 24 months!

People around here never miss a chance to blow shit up, regardless of laws. I don’t mind the municipal ones, since I know when and where they’ll be going off, and the focus is on pretty airborne displays rather than making loud sounds. But the illegal ones started up sporadically at sundown, and there were some booms at midnight that made me jump even though I was expecting them. The one bright spot is that the state as a whole started a serious campaign to discourage people from shooting guns in the air (“What goes up must come down” is one tagline), and it just might have had some effect! The booms last night sounded overwhelmingly like fireworks rather than gunshots.

Being temporarily deaf in one ear has some advantages. I didn’t hear anything.

We gave our dogs CBD oil and Benadryl yesterday for the firework fucks in the neighborhood.

I should have taken some for myself. Some of them I could literally feel.

Started 3 hours before midnight and lasted till 2 AM. I swear, if I figure out which miscreant it is, I am going to camp near their house and start setting shit off at 3:30 AM.

No, I won’t do that. Because I am not a mouth breathing jack-off. Hell, even when I was drinking, taking acid and smoking opium I STILL had better manners.

I’ve been here in this quiet suburban neighbourhood for about ten years, and yesterday was the first time I heard fireworks on New Year’s Eve. Also the first time ever that some idiot set some off around 2:30 AM. They were not extremely close but it was hard to tell if they were maybe half a block away or really loud ones several blocks away. I hope it’s not some new yahoos in the area but it’s more likely kids that are now growing into asshole teenagers.

Out of curiosity I checked the local bylaws. Fireworks are only allowed on Victoria Day and Canada Day, so the New Year fireworks were not just obnoxious but illegal. Also, public fireworks displays or any use of public property for fireworks requires a permit. One of these days these assholes will get the cops swooping down on them. I may just be the one to call them someday if I can find out where the fuckers are setting them off.

Thank you, I needed a place to complain about this.
I had to go to a wedding in NJ yesterday. So we got a hotel in the locale. Went out, came back, stayed up until midnight, celebrated, etc.

At 4 am we were awoken by people TALKING OR SHOUTING REALLY LOUDLY. So loudly that it didn’t just wake us up but other neighbors too. We banged on the wall, others banged on the wall, but they ignored it until a man from one of other rooms pounded on their wall.

They stopped shouting but then put on music really loud. People kept banging and asking them to quiet down but they literally didn’t until 530 am.

We woke up like zombies to go to this wedding. People are so goddamn inconsiderate. When I got up at 8 am to have breakfast I was so tempted to go bang on the door of their room be like “WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING”?

I live in a trailer park so illegal fireworks scare me a little extra. One house going up in flames could mean A LOT of houses going up in flames.

My rant for today deals with my hair. A friend of mine has convinced me that I have curly hair. She’s right, btw. So I’m learning how to style it properly and not using heat on it anymore. That’s not the rant. The rant is that I am SO SELF CONSCIOUS about it. Every time I go out with it down, I feel like everyone one is staring at me and thinks that it looks stupid. I don’t think it looks bad when I look in the mirror but, what if the back looks bad? What if the curls have stretched and look bad since I styled them? What if I didn’t use a strong enough gel? What if my hard hat at work has ruined them? It’s taking up so much brain space.

Instead of banging on the wall, why didn’t you go to the front desk and ask hotel staff to deal with it?

That’s funny because every time I read your posts, I thought, I bet she has curly hair.

So I occasionally have nightmares that I’m forced to live in my childhood home again, staying with my horrible parents. I had one such dream last night, where I was being displaced for whatever reason and had to move home. However, there was one gruesome twist.

My Mom was married to Donald Trump. I woke up while he was trying to make small talk with me.

What god did I piss off today?

You simply have to post a picture and ask us. Then you’ll know.

Pick up the phone and call the reception. Most hotels will throw the noise-makers out if they don’t stop.

Our oldest dog Loki has extreme fireworks problems.We’ve tried CBD treats, Trazadone, Diazepam, Acepromazine, all with some effects and some side effects.

Lately we’ve been using Gabapentine. She gets a 300 mg capsule and storms/fireworks no longer bother her at all. She actually seems “happier” than her normal self. Not only that, but she isn’t sluggish and doesn’t have any hangover symptoms the following day.

Who the hell throws their wedding on New Year’s Day?!

The proportion of hungover people rises dramatically during that time. Not me - i haven’t been up to see midnight in forever.

That will probably take a level of courage I don’t have. Today is definitely not going to be a courageous day.

Sorry I forgot to add I called them too! They did NOTHING. Just agreed with me that yes, it was annoying.


That is insane. It is their literal job to take care of things like that.