New Year’s Rant Solutions (January mini-rants)

You’d think my city is under attack. Nothing but explosions for hours. And fireworks are illegal here.

The good thing is that they don’t scare my dog. They piss her off and she barks at them, like “Shut the fuck up already!!!”

She’s a great dog.

We don’t have 'em on New Years. We have 'em on the 4th. and Labor Day weekend. My dog that was terrified made his last ride in the summer, and he was completely deaf before that. At least he didn’t have to be scared when he was deaf. My last dog didn’t like them much, but he is now deaf also. He is due for his last ride when I have the money and the guts. It’s not that I even like this dog. He’s not even technically mine, but he’s still a live critter who has been a member of the household for a very long time.

I’m still steamed about tee vee. I hate to be steamed about something so trivial.

Happy New Year in hopes that this year will be a good one.

For a suburban community in which the leaf blower rules supreme, it’s been a surprisingly quiet night. A few fireworks booms and clakaclacks but not a sonic seige.

Time seems to fly by and the stuff that’s truly important to me (not what I get paid to do) isn’t getting done. It isn’t that I don’t have time to put into it. It’s that I’m better at the stuff they actually pay me for. And don’t get me wrong, I like getting paid to do something I’m actually good at and get to feel competent and all that.

But there’s stuff I set out to do. I dont think I’m very good at it and I don’t know how to learn to get better at it except trial and error. And I’m pissed about being stuck and not making progress and feeling incapable and so on, the opposite of the paid-job sense of competency, you know what I mean?

Just past 10:30pm Pacific, and we’ve had occasional noises. In my neighborhood, it can be a toss-up whether you’re hearing fireworks or gunfire.

I had that exact conversation with my wife earlier.

Midnight here in the Mountain time zone, and the fireworks have started. We have a park behind our block, and that’s where they’re coming from. Totally unsanctioned, of course, there is no way the city would grant a permit to shoot off fireworks in that park.

Not a good idea really, as a fire last week gutted three houses on our street, so we’re all a little wary about fire here.

East coast here…the neighbors finally gave out of fireworks at around 1:30. Fortunately, I had a sink full of dishes to deal with, including a pot with a layer of charred potpourri ingredients (long story; the pot is fine now).

It’s been years since we had a serious drought in this area, but I still vividly remember watching live coverage of a local neighborhood going up in flames, house by house. And people here wonder why I want nothing to do with the neighborhood Christmas luminary display. :woman_facepalming:

Fireworks are illegal here in Beijing, also. That didn’t stop some folks in the neighborhood from setting them off at midnight of Christmas Eve, nor midnight last night either. And then we had a bunch of neighborhood kids running around at 3:30 a.m. January 1st, screaming at the top of their lungs. I think I would’ve been more welcoming to the New Year had I not been awakened by all that screeching.

Applause on the thread title, @Atamasama .

I am told we had booming fireworks in my 'hood, but I slept through them.


The one thing I don’t miss about Portland are the idiots with the fireworks. We heard nothing last night and I like it that way.

We had fireworks from about 10am yesterday. Baffles me why people are setting them off in broad daylight, it’s just noise at that point. They carried on from various directions at almost half-hourly intervals. We have such a mixed community here, we reckon each time zone/nationality sets them off one after the other. Gets tiring when it’s been going on for over 12 hours.

If your neighborhood is close to mine, I can assure you it’s not a toss-up :rofl:

Ranting because Laketran is now requiring a new I.D. to get the reduced fair for seniors and I haven’t gotten it yet. Instead of $2 for an all day pass, it will be 4. And I can’t afford it, can’t afford rent, can’t bus around looking for employment cause bus money.

Up in the Rockies here. They have banned the fire works show on the 4th of July. Due to fire and also, so many people would crowd into town, it was gridlock in the entire county. Which meant that EMS was stuck.

The commissioners said f-it. that’s enough of that. (now if we could only do the same for christmas and spring break)

Its the m80 thing that is concerning to me. What if there is a fast fuse?
Or a stupid fireworks guy? ( m80s… stupid people… what are those odds? )

Hands and fingers don’t grow on trees, even if parts of them may land there…

Also, intentionally torturing animals with louds sounds? What kind of monster are you?

it kind of got “hip” here NOT having municipal Fireworks (post-covid, 2.5ppm dust, etc…) - its been way more tranquil here in the past 1-3 years …

my honest guess - many municipals are happy about saving $$$ (more than everything else) …

Please don’t tell me you hafta take the bus to go get your new ID, so you can then get your reduced bus fare!

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

My city bans fireworks because they are too afraid of the fields here catching on fire. So rather than legal fireworks in the street with a hose nearby, the residents buy illegal fireworks in Wyoming and to hide from the cops they light them off in the fields.

Heard gunshots at midnight. Way off. But of course the Chihuahuas heard it. They screamed for a few minutes. It’s not like they’ve never heard gunfire before. I think they just wanted to holler. Upset Bear the Siamese who decided he had noise to make.
To calm the Chihuahuas I decided I take them out on the deck to see no bad characters lurking around. They heard coyotes howling in the distance. Barked like it was an alien invasion coming. The kennel Beagles woke up and had a howl fest with the coyotes for a time.
