New York Fault Line?

I can’t see Giuliani allowing a fault to cross Broadway–he’d make it detour around three goddam blocks till it got so disgusted it just gave up and went back to Westchester.

Found sort of the cite I was looking far. This one refers to earthquakes in the eastern US (as opposed to California).


This last quote had an image attached. I won’t inline it here but just give a link to it

All of the above are from a USGS site at

They also do a bit of panic mongering on their own…

Sounds like the basis of another mini-series; doesn’t it? One of the effects of the 1811 New Madrid earthquake was the creation of Reelfoot lake. This is a 10 square mile lake which was created when the ground sank; the Mississippi river flowed backwards into the lake, filling it up. Imagine the special effects sequence they could create for that!

Oh, I also found information on how this particular mid-plate fault zone was created…


Whew! While I’m sure the mini-series will be exaggerated, maybe it isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds.

“You can’t run away forever; but there’s nothing wrong with getting a good head start.” — Jim Steinman

Dennis Matheson —
Hike, Dive, Ski, Climb —

Sigh. I managed to fumble all of my URLs above. Try these…