Not sure which forum this belongs in, so I’ll try here, and risk the moderators’ wraths.
I’ve been thinking, lately, about getting into some robotics projects mostly because I’m getting burnt out on the pure software projects at home that I’ve been tending to get myself into of late.
At the risk of being immodest, I think I would be somewhat unsatisfied and unchallenged with a kit that sported no sensors of some nature (mechanical, electrical). I’ve been writing embedded software for some years now at work, so I’m familiar with realtime systems, interrupt level and driver gunk, multithreading, sensor polling, etc, etc, at the software side, both in assembler, and C/C++.
While I’m not a control theory guru, and generally a software guy, I can (albeit painfully sometimes) solder connections, and hook up an oscilloscope or logic analyzer, and I’ve taken the time to self-augment my education where too feeble to proceed.
I’m forced to admit I have to be realistic in cost about my geeky toys, both software and hardware, but some minimally decent gear is presumably required to not get hideously frustrated.
So, my question is:
What kinds of software and equipment am I likely to need to be able to start playing in robotics projects? Can anyone recommend some good but nontrivial kits? In the absence of kits, are there clubs or stores that cater to basic parts? (sensors, motors, CPU, etc) Anyone care to share their trials and tribulations with similar ventures?