NFL/College coaches attire

Are they just told what to wear for each game? This week appears to be some sort of “honor the troops theme” in the NFL.

They must wear gear from the league’s official clothing maker, which at the moment is Nike (IIRC). I think they can wear any type of pants. The online shop sells the same stuff, labeled sideline gear or whatnot.

This week isn’t just “honor the troops,” the game-worn clothes are going to be sold to benefit veterans groups. I don’t know if participation is mandatory, but it would be hard to imagine any not doing it.

Not watching sports on a regular basis I haven’t really paid attention, but come to think of it, what do the coaches wear? I always assumed it was slacks and a blazer, or similar. Does Nike make “coach” clothes specifically? After all, I’m sure the coaches don’t appear in team logo T-shirts like the fans.

Moving to the Game Room.

Actually, they do. Generally it’s windbreakers or Belichek’s famous sleeveless hoodies, but coaches will wear team logos. The slacks and suits from decades ago have fallen to the wayside.

It used to be common for the coaches (the head coaches, at least) to wear suits. Since 1993, the NFL started making them wear licensed team attire on the sidelines – which, unless you’re Bill Belichick, who always looks like he put on something that he found in the hamper, means polo shirts in warm weather, and sweatshirts, jackets, or parkas in cold weather.

In 2006, Mike Nolan (then coach of the 49ers) and Jack Del Rio (then coach of the Jaguars) got special permission to wear suits on the sidelines for a couple of games; Nolan had come up with the idea to honor his father, Dick, who had worn a suit while coaching the 49ers in the 1960s and 1970s. In order to do this, Nolan and Del Rio had suits specially designed by Reebok (which was, at that time, the NFL’s uniform supplier).

I thought it was a neat touch, but I don’t think any NFL coach has done so since then.

Belichick didn’t. He’s known as a staunch supporter of the military, and has strong connection to the naval academy so his motivation wasn’t questioned.

to note, Belichick’s ridiculous attire is in direct protest to the “official gear” rule. He wants to wear a suit.

I’m not sure that’s true.

Did he ever wear a suit in Cleveland or NY?

don’t think there are requirements for college coaches but almost all wear team logo outfits.

I’m not sure, but I suspect not – pictures I can find of him with the Browns show him with either a polo shirt, a jacket, or a sweatshirt.

He was head coach of the Browns from '91 through '95 – the final three years of those were after the NFL mandated that coaches wear official gear, anyway.

When he was with the Giants, he was an assistant coach, and my recollection of those days was that, if anyone was wearing a suit on the sidelines, it was usually only the head coach.

indoor sports like NBA and NHL the coach still wears a suit. and of course baseball managers wear the same uniform as players.

The Patriots are on a bye this week.

Used to be true for MLB but now the fashion is for the manager to wear a sweatshirt with some sort of team logo instead of (or over) the team jersey that the players wear)

Parcells definitely didn’t wear a suit on the sidelines though. By the 1980s, the days of coaches wearing suits was pretty much over anyways.

It’s all month. Last week he didn’t wear camo.

Agreed. Here’s a shot of Parcells and Belichick on the sidelines; Parcells is wearing a team sweater*, and Belichick is wearing a warmup jacket.

I rather like those team sweater looks.

of course baseball has a tradition of player-managers which is very rare in other sports.

The team sweaters aren’t quite gone yet. :smiley: