Nickelodeon special on gay parents: Would you let your kids watch?


I don’t believe anyone has said anything about how anyone should think, except for Saen.

BTW, Joe, WV_Woman, my questions from above go for you, too.

How can you judge the appropriateness of a show before you’ve seen it?

Go Joe!


Also, WV_Woman and you both have channel changers and off buttons on TV & Remote, correct?

Then what’s your hassle?

Don’t watch.

Yea Joe, only I’m not saying that and neither is anyone else in this thread so far.

In what way do any of my post show intolerance? I’ve never said that Jerry and Co. have to stop talking crap even though I know it to be crap. I think ole Jer should keep spewing it so that I can point at it and call it the crap as it is.

You can see the difference between disagreement and intolerance? The difference between me stating that I think Jerry is a hypocritical zealot and Jerry trying to make sure no one watches a show with which he disagrees?

There is a huge difference, you know.

I should have addressed my statement about being gay it was in reference to MrVisible’s


Your hint at my education on sexuality is more elitist BS. Maybe you should educate yourself on what I know instead of assuming. m’kay?

And where did I say how anyone should think?

And as for the rest of you who seemed to want to repeat one another.

It looks simple because it is simple. And shows the blinders you do have on.

No one is denying anyone’s rights to watch anything. I never said your children cannot watch whatever you wanted them to. And as a matter of fact I think I clearly said Nikalodeon can show-any-damn thing it wants to. But if you do not see the difference between subjecting and allowing, it goes to show just how simple your thought processes on this subject are.

I will say this again for those who plainly decided to ignore it for their own personal reasons.

"Nikalodeon has every right to show what they want. And people can just change the channel if they don’t like it. I think this is an attempt for people to show their displeasure in such programs and a notice that this, and future programs are not appreciated by many. " If they wanted to show this on HBO or even PBS I don’t think you would have heard a peep out of hardly anyone. But when it is being aired and promoted towards young children, people do have a right to protest and try to stop a channel they would otherwise trust their children to watch to not try to subject their children to personal ideals they find inappropriate for their children.

Lets say for example Nik decided to show a program on families with swinging parents. They are people too. Or it wants to show the merits of having households with a mom or dad with multiple live in partners. Or it tries to do a show on right wing conservative Christian family who thinks homosexuality is evil, and tries to get that point across… If you find objection to any of these story lines I say you can turn the channel too. But I also think you can let the company know that you do not appreciate such being aired and any future would be highly unappreciated. Are you denying others who think that swinging, and extreme Christian, and a form of polygamy is acceptable for children to watch? No you are protecting your child in protest about things you do not wish to subject him/her to. Current and maybe in the future.

It’s funny how when liberals protest it is a freedom of speech and fighting hate. But when others try it is intolerant and censoring. Hypocrisy abounds. And what is funny is I truly believe you people do not see the hypocrisy. That if you did you would not assert yourselves the way you do. I may be wrong on that last account, but you never know.

Has anyone on the east coast seen this show yet? I’l be watching in an hour.

You Saen, have not been paying attention to what I’ve been saying at all, have you? If you had you may have figured out what my answer to your hypothetical would be.

I think the religous right have the right to any opinion they wish. I think homosexuals have the right to whatever opinions they wish to have too. I think if swinging parents want to start their own cable station extolling the virtues of swinging kids, they should go right on ahead.
I don’t have to agree with them. I don’t have too keep my mouth shut about not agreeing with them. Because I am vocal about my disagreement does not make me intolerant. Trying to silence my opponents so that no one can hear them, that’s intolerance.

Biggirl. this thread is not all about you… maybe if you paid attention to some of the other posts you would have a clue to what i am talking about.

Isn’t there a huge difference between:

A) A show that teaches that if someone is different, we don’t have to agree with what they do, we just shouldn’t treat them in a bad way.

B) A show that teaches that being gay is the most wonderful thing and everyone would be happier if they were gay. Now lets all get gay!

Why do I get the impression that some people are expecting the show to be about “B”, when everything I have heard is that it is about “A”.

I guess I honestly don’t understand why anyone would be against a show that is basically saying don’t judge people because they are different from you.


Um…would you mind pointing me at the quote you’re accusing me of making, please? I can’t find it in my quotes.

Actually, show me where anyone said what you quoted.

Please. Because I think I’m going insane.

Also. IANAM, but personal attacks, like the one above on Biggirl (and, IMHO, most of your first post), are not acceptable in GD. Please keep this in mind.

Now. I don’t know why you’re railing at Biggirl anyway, since she just said what I’d say anyway.

If you’re in agreement that Nick has any right to show what they want, then I’m not sure what you’re so up in arms about.

I’m not sure what swingers or polyamory have to do with this thread, but whatever floats your boat. The Christian Right…well, at least that’s got some tie-in to the OP.

I didn’t watch the Dr. Laura show. In fact, I don’t watch much TV at all. I don’t watch Benny Hinn, or Jerry Falwell, or whatshisface…Pat Robertson. If I want to raise my blood pressure, I go for a walk. I also wasn’t involved in, nor have I ever tried to get the Trinity Broadcast Network off the TV. Nor have I tried to stop anyone from broadcasting what they want. My personal activism doesn’t lean that way.

However, I do see people, including the aforementioned Falwell, trying to prevent other people from broadcasting shows. I do not understand the logic of this. As Mr. Visible said, it’s not like a TV show has “turned anyone gay.” (Hm. Random Thought: to be fair, occasionally we stop on Trinity and stare at the scary hair on the women. Because it’s scary.)

TVs have off switches. Shows that only air once are easily enough avoided. Shows that air many times are just as easily avoided.

Parents not paying attention to what their children are watching deserve* any questions they get about what they wouldn’t have wanted their kids watching anyway.

Finally, I was correcting what I assumed to be a reading mis-apprehension when I made the comment about my sexuality. However, as I am not the subject of the thread, I’d appreciate it if you’d hold off on your attacks on me.
*Okay. I know some kids get around blockers. Those parents I have sympathy for. Otherwise…deserve isn’t exactly the word I want, but it’s the only one coming to mind.

What quote did I accuse you of making? the One where MrVisible said he could give me a lesson on tolerance? It’s right up there with everyone elses posts.

And please tell me where I have personally attacked either you or BG. Honestly I would like to know where you think I attacked anyone specifically on this forum. biggirl said I was not paying attention to her. I said she was not paying attention to the thread. Is that some kind of personal attack?
honestly have no intention of attacking anyone on this forum. If they deserve it I would just let a mod know. But if you think my saying that some of the comments on these forums are elitist and hypocritical is an attack, maybe a GD forum is not fit for your sensabilities. Most of these topics are after all debates. And the great ones are sometimes hotly debated. But I agree that personal attacks are not appropriate. So a quote or something would be nice and I will appologize even if it wasn’t intended by myself as an insult, but was taken that way.

Well, because children who are young and impressionable should be learning what’s tolerable and moral from their parents. It’s not the job of anyone else. Other people’s opinions and views on things such as homosexuality and religion are not important at such a young age. What’s important is that they learn and follow what their parent’s teach them. When they are young adults and have had a good grounding, they can do whatever they want. Hopefully they will have had good parents.

I don’t recall saying that a Tv show would make anyone gay! Let me explain myself. Telling my child that being homosexual is ok and acceptable is what I meant to say. That is not for you or any Tv show to decide.

I don’t teach my daughter to hate anyone. I don’t think that Jerry Fallwell does either. He doesn’t like things that contradict what God says. The only thing that could probably make me hate anyone is by them trying to do something I see as negative or hurtful to my daughter.

Again, I did not say that it can turn my child gay. It’s teaching my daughter that being gay is ok, and it is not. That does not mean to people. Remember, there is a difference.

I disagree with the fact that it is showing 2 lanes to what is in my view and the Bibles view a one lane street. If you want to drive one the sidewalk, go right ahead, but don’t go telling everyone else that it’s ok. The road rules say people drive on the street.

I read the Washington Posts article one it, and when I e-mailed Nickelodeon, I did a search on it. I have seen enough.

Yes that is true. But this show is about how being gay is an acceptable thing also. A little different.

Again, Their parents job is to teach them not to ridicule others. I know of some shows that teach children children to be nice to each other. Homosexuality and childrens television is the issue here.

People can be trained to do anything, especially if it’s started young. It’s natural for kids to do whatever they want, tell lies, etc. But as parents we train them to behave - something that goes against their nature. Living with laws is against our nature. but we are trained to do it.

Not my child or anyone elses unless they specifically ask you to.

Yes they have the right. This is a childrens channel about ABC’s and 123’s and be nice and share. Not about ‘be tolerant to homosexuality’. No matter what you say, that is what this show is saying. If it was just saying be nice to people who are different then it would be ok.

The channel is changed. hopefully not forever. I cannot support something that goes againt what I believe. Many people feel the same way and NICK could lose a lot of support.
HBO is the channel this should be on, not Nickelodeon. I would expect this from HBO.

Kids are kids are kids. They are impressionable.

You better believe I’d let my kid watch it, and we’d talk about it.

Then again, it’s geography. It’s likely my son will have a classmate or two with gay parents, so it’d be a situation he’d be facing or thinking about. And even if he doesn’t I’ll likely be introducing him to some friends of ours who are gay and have kids together.

There are all kinds of families in the world, and what they have in common are love. I want him to see that and know that, and not think anyone is bad just because their family looks different (whether different means same-sex parents, interracial parents, unmarried parents, single parents, grandparents, blended families). If a TV show can help me do that, I’m all for it.

So, who actually watched it, so they know what they’re talking about?

I saw a show which made a significant effort to offer a balanced perspective between approval and disapproval of homosexuality, with an emphasis on tolerance. I saw disclaimers urging kids to watch with their parents, and to discuss these issues so that they better understood their parents’ perspective. I saw the Christian contingent well-represented, with a significant appearance by Jerry Falwell himself, restating the theme of the show: that while some may consider homosexuality to be wrong, hatred and violence are also wrong.

Jersey Diamond said:

I always thought that “be tolerant to homosexuality” would fall under the umbrella of “be nice to people who are different.” But I guess gay people are just too different to be nice to in your book, huh, Jersey? What if the show had said “be nice to everybody, except those hateful gays. Them you can make fun of, ridicule, harass, and discriminate against.” Would that have suited you better? Would that make for better kid’s TV?

I watched the show and thought it was outstanding. All sides were well represented. The only message being spread was "You don’t have to agree with everyone in this world, you have the right to disapprove but it is not right to hate or be mean to people because they are different from you.

There were kids who had gay parents and ones that had straight parents. There were kids who were very religious. They all thought the message was a good one. Yes, there was a gay principle and firefighter. All they had to say was that there was too much hate in this world and that we needed to show respect to each other and not be mean. Jerry Falwell had his own segment in which he explained that even though the bible says that homosexuality is wrong, we absolutely must treat everyone with kindness and respect. I am really disappointed that he felt that he had to retract what he said after taping the show.

So no, the show wasn’t about sex, in fact I don’t think the word was ever mentioned. The show never tried to promote gay as something one should aspire to be. It simply stated that it is time that people stop being cruel to each other simply because someone is different.

What a horrible message to convey to a mere child.

So then why was the fantastic, wonderful, everybody-lets-hug-now message focused only on homosexual couples? Why not spread it around to include being nice to everybody?

Hmmmm, could it be that they have an agenda, which they pursue to the point of ignoring the bigger picture?

They did NOT mean “be nice to everybody.” If they did, the subject of the show would have been “be nice to everybody” instead of “be nice to kids who are being raised by homosexual couples.”

From the “Traditional Values Coalition” website, front page

and inside:

Interesting coincidence that Nickelodeon has traditionally not shown commercials when doing their special programs. According to them, they never planned on showing any commercials in the first place.

Rosie never attacked anyone on the show. Pure speculation.

I wrote them an email, daring them to publish a full transcript of the show on their website so that people could make up their own minds. Of course they won’t though. It would make their assertions look mighty foolish.

The impression I’m getting so far is “the evil liberal media is brainwashing our kids against their parents’ wishes.”

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah. I’ll be sure and go protest “Seventh Heaven” next chance I get.



Actually, the message was to be nice to everybody, regardless of race, sexual preference, religion, etc… You must have missed that part.

Oh, you mean the part where tried to turn every kid in america gay? I missed that part (although I watched the show in its entirety. Hmmm)

Actually, they did mean that. They flat out said “Be nice to everybody”. In case you weren’t aware however, these kids have a pretty rough time in school because of the bigotry that exists concerning gay people. And they aren’t even gay. Exactly what part of “be nice to kids who are being raised by homosexual couples.” do you have a problem with? Or do you think that people shouldn’t be nice to these kids. Perhaps they should be blamed for their parents decisions?

Well, Linda Ellerbee decided to do this show when she learned that “fag” is the most used slur in American schools today. She decided that this was a problem that she could help address by doing a show about it.

Nick News has done shows in the past on kids with depression, on flag burning, obesity, and Gypsy culture, to mention a few. Why devote individual shows to individual issues? Because they’ll have more impact, make more difference, than simply saying “be nice to one another”. There are different approaches that will be effective in tackling different issues. But then, that’s obvious.

There are other problems in the world today, of course. None of them can be solved by a half-hour TV show. But trying to help all of the world’s problems in the course of a kid’s show is a ridiculously ambitious goal. Instead, the show can focus on one issue at a time, and, hopefully, make a difference. One “fantastic, wonderful, everybody-lets-hug-now message” at a time.