Nicorette Medical Question

I quit smoking like three years ago.

Problem is I’m addicted to Nicorette.

I chew 3 of those 4mg pieces at a time, 5-6 times a day.

I’ve been doing this for three years.

I idly read the instructions for the first time recently and noticed that it said don’t use this product for more than 3 months.

Am I gonna die?

No. But you are in good company. Tons of Google hits for “nicorette addiction”.

Dunno how Mrs. Scylla feels, but me, I’d rather have Hubby addicted to chewing gum than cigarettes.

speaking as a doctor who chewed nicorette for a year to get over chewing tobacco (a few years ago now, thank god) it’s not an uncommon situation. You’re better off using the gum than the tobacco anytime. However, in those amounts, you are physiologically addicted to nicotine.

I finally gave up the habit by use of a revolutionary new drug: Intravenous nitroglycerine. They gave it to me during my heart attack. Never touched nicotine after that.

I wouldn’t recommend that method tho. Talk to a competent doc. You might be a candidate for the step nicotine patch, weaning you slowly from the nicotine addiction. Zyban pills might be appropriate too.

feel free to email me if you want.


There was a study out just a week or so ago which showed that nicotine itself (not just tobbacco) may cause cancer - specifically by promoting angiogenesis (blood vessel growth) - which counterintuitively also seems to be a potential risk factor for heart disease.

Here’s one link:

I also remember a study maybe a year ago that seemed to show that nicotine alone caused lung cancer. I couldn’t find a link for it though.

It’s definitely better than smoking tho. And you’re much much better off than me (I’m STILL trying to kick the cancer sticks - and am beginning to think they’re gonna get me first).

You’re still doing better than I am. I chew the gum AND smoke cigarettes. But at least I cut down on the cigarettes so I’m still better off (I think).

Nope. I did that. I ended up with the same cure that Qadgop had.

Do not do this.

I used nicorette to quit smoking too but got off it after 5 weeks. The problem is that I had to use “plain” gum in order to get over the addiction to nicorette and am to this day chewing regular gum all. I buy it 12 mega packs at a time.

But that is cheaper and healthier than smoking. I hope you can get over your nicorette chewing. Great going to everyone who quit smoking.