Nigeria is off my list of travel options

Sweet! Hmm, I’m in Ohio with family at the moment. (another place that doesn’t recognize my legal in California relationship, but at least won’t toss me in jail)
Maybe I can work out a trip to Russia. But don’t we have to have some kind of propaganda to distribute to run afoul of their law? I haven’t really kept up with the details.

Just wear a little rainbow pin. Doesn’t take much.

You’re so smart. :wink: Maybe get a couple West Hollywood twinks, the kind that can turn the flame up white hot to go too. That should seal the deal. (plus provide some entertainment on the way)

Well, you could come up with a little pamphlet explaining all of the benefits of homosexuality: the toaster, the interior design and fashion sense, the license to be catty and call people “bitch” a lot, the homo-colonial empire, the opportunity to get married in some jurisdictions, thereby hastening the collapse of western civilization…

There’s a lot to do, I’ll see if I can fit in destroying western civilization after brunch.