Nintendo Gamecube vs. the rest

Here in UK the Gamecube is £170, the PS2 is £200 and the X-Box is £300.

My question is, is the Nintendo better performance than the PS2? Can you use it as a DVD player like the PS2? What are the games like? Will there be GTA3 for it?

Also the Gameboy Advance. It looks really cool but are the games any good for adults? I’m 25.

Let’s see if I can answer some of your questions. I have both the Xbox and PS2, but not the gamecube(yet)…

From what I’ve read and been able to tell, the performace of the PS2 is better than the gamecube, but Xbox has a stronger processor than either of them. Since we are still seeing first generation games for Xbox, I really havent been able to tell all that much difference from the PS2 and Xbox graphics. Give Xbox a year or two, and I think we will see some truly stunning things.

Gamecube uses disks that are smaller than conventional DVDs for their games, and is not able to be used as a DVD player. This is where they lose some ground to the Xbox and PS2, which both can.

As far as games are concnerned, PS2 is hands down leading the way. They have some of the best titles ever produced made solely for their system. A few good examples of this are GTA3, the entire Final Fantasy Series, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo… the list goes on and on. Xbox has put out some decent titles as time has gone on, but nothing fantastic as of yet. Halo did come close though. What is really going to make or break the Xbox is the games that get made for it. If they don’t come up with some blockbuster titles that are proprietary to their system, they will eventually go the way of other failures like 3DO and Dreamcast. Why buy a new system when you can play all the same games and a whole bunch of other great ones on PS2? That is going to be the problem they will have. Gamecube has a great deal of built-in promise the in the area of games. When talking about Nintendo, one immedately thinks of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Fzero, and more. Many people will buy the system as these games are released. Hell, I’m just waiting for a good excuse to go out and get one myself.

So it cant be used as a DVD player? Well that’s me not buying one then. I wish the PS2 was cheaper though. £150 and I’d buy it…

yeah… no DVD capability for the gamecube that I’v heard of. Im surprised that there is a price difference at all between the PS2 and Xbox… they are both $299 here, but I have heard that PS2 is slated for a $50 decrease sometime soon. I guess you’ll just have to keep your fingers crossed and hold out a little longer.