No admins now?

He may be the Hall Monitor, but I’m going to be the F**king Hall Monitor.

Then you can demote him to Crossing Guard.

The imaginary power is awesome!

I for one, welcome our new F–king Hall Monitor Overlord.

This, most likely. This may be a new diktat, come down from on high at Sun-Times, quite possibly from their Legal department.

I vote we call someone a cunt and see if there’s a response.

Go for it, Sam!

Don’t tempt me!

Can I call myself a cunt? Seems like there’s no one around to complain. Not that I’d mind. I’ve been called worse. Let the games begin!


The heck are you, Charter Member Squared?
Siam Sam is a Dukey Butt.

Uh, oh! It’s the fuzz!

(Runs away!)

I believe the correct spelling is Dookey Butt. Or is it Dookie? :confused:

Hmmm, after a little Google-fu, it seems that all three are acceptable spellings of the word. Who’d a thunk it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it is used by children and the like of Siam Sam, so who knows?

OK. We need to stop this train of discussion. Edmund (BigT)'s ISP is cooperating and we’ll let the lawyers figure out the details.

Please, just let this be for 24 hours.

You know better than that, Dave. Cut it out.

This goes for all y’all. I’ll shut this thread down, I swear I will.

But will you turn this thread around? Really, do you mean it?

no admins, no gods

You will all find yourselves in MPSIMS so quick your heads’ll be spinning.:smiley:

All admins are stuck in a New Jersey traffic jam. Gov. Christie has ordered another traffic study.