No admins now?

Anyone with an avatar is not a Straight Doper.


I for one am glad I sent **kayaker **that anonymous [del]bribe[/del] Christmas gift this year!

Dude…you just broke the space/time continuum. Get a mop and don’t come back until you’re done cleaning up Aisle Four.

Cunning runt!

I already did that tomorrow.

Sock cucker!

As part of the first counter revolution, I think we should give kayaker not just a wedgie, but an atomic wedgie.

Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard-Boiled Egg!


Dave’s not here, man.

Anarchy rules!

I agree.
No, wait, then it isn’t anarchy.


Sounds like good practice in general.

Before we bleed and zap them we have to take the dogs out or all this will be for naught.
Unless we are counting my evil laughs and taunting sneers.

Can we make the moderators wear cones of shame?

What would be the point? The moderators have no shame.

Everyone, step back from Tangent, lest the Holy Fires incinerate you as well!

I think you meant. Cut. It. Out. With hand gestures.

I build ze great bridge, and do ze call me Siam Sam the bridge builder? No.

I build ze great building, and do ze call me Siam Sam the great building builder? No.

I design ze great park, and do ze call me Siam Sam the great park maker? No.

But cuck just one little sock……!


Hmm. Maybe all the former Admins have been invited to a deserted island by Cecil a la And Then There Were None. One of them allowed the hack - but who? Right at this moment they sit, in 1930s style suits and gowns, at the dinner table, each one glaring suspiciously at the other, wondering . . .
Was it Marley23, who slices into his chicken so innocently? Was it Tubadiva, distractedly looking up at the glimmering crystal chandelier that ever-so-slowly rotates overhead? Was it Ed Zotti, who expertly pours himself a glass of fine red wine? Cecil stares at each and every one of the silent dinner table members, contemplating, measuring, plotting . . .
Or, you know, it’s probably some totally mundane reason that a Moderator will explain to us soon. But still.

Perhaps it is an experiment to see if we go Lord of the Flies.
Whoosh the piggie!


Whoa? Manhattan? I thought they had you holed up in Gitmo or something. Have I just not been paying attention?

Withal, nice to hear from you, sir!