No cheese in China?

So, how come there is no cheese in my Chinese food?

For the same reason that there aren’t any turnips in it I suppose ? :stuck_out_tongue:
But I know what you mean though.

So you’re asking why don’t the Chinese eat much cheese? Hmmm, can’t say I know really. They do have their own cheeses (mostly goat rather than cow) but can’t really say why as a nation they don’t eat very much.

This article gives several reasons for the traditional absence of dairy in the Chinese diet: expense, dislike of the taste, higher rate of lactose intolerance.

I also recall reading that many Chinese people find the whole idea of eating solidified rotten milk (essentially) to be absolutely disgusting. Fair enough – some of them happily gobble down foods that would turn my stomach too. De gustibus, etc.

hmm… interesting.