No more ball licking

“He licketh on the right nut” has a certain gravitas.

I’m just curious: did you get Lynn’s permission first?

Lynn can lick chocolate.

Lick my balls.

I’m not sure I want anybody licking my balls. I mean, having my testicles so close to a person’s teeth, call me distrustful but that’s just one step beyond where I’ll go with someone. If someone’s gonna go Raul Castro on me, they better come at me with a knife and stuff and I’ll fight 'em off, I don’t need a lurker on my nutsack.

It seems to me the female equivilent of balls is labia.

To be entirely truthful, there just aren’t that many people requesting the honor of licking my labia <sub> Ok there is only one person</sub> but if it was something that someone felt strongly about I would have to oblige just in the name of common courtesy and all. There are just too many rude people in this world as it it.

Just doin my part for world peace.

Shouldn’t the female equivalent be “lick my ovaries”?

Well technically yes.


But when someone is licking some balls aren’t they really licking the scrotum?

To actually lick the testes all by themselves, they would have to be removed from their scrotummy covering and frankly that’s just sick.


Scrotummy, adj. Contraction of Scrotum and Yummy.
I thought everyone knew this one.

Oh, you mean like labialicious.

Labia !!!

Suck my left tit.

Won’t somebody think of the dogs and peanut butter?

I… I don’t know what to say…
