No more Viagra/Viagra knock off adds.

Listening to the radio, reading e-mail, and even sometimes on TV, there are so many frick’n Viagra knock off adds it makes me sick. Are we a nation of tiny penised(sp) men and old geezers who, when Father Time says, “Ok pops, that’s it, you’re time for pro-creation is up.” say, “But I still want to get me some.”?
I don’t want an herbal Viagra, and I’m sick of hearing adds for it. They’re getting even more annoying than daughters talking to their mothers about tampons, or that “not so fresh feeling”, or whatever.
Enough already! Sheeze!

“Dad, I need some advice.”

“What’s up, son?”

“Well, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about.”

I like the current Viagra ad: The guy’s smug expression as he answers a bunch of questions about “what’s different about you”.

“Wanna know what’s different about me? I’m gettin’ me some tonight!”


Just wait till you get older, sonny boy. I think you’ll be whistling a different tune.
BTW, viagra only helps it get hard like it used to. It won’t make it any bigger than it was.

As the Boomers, the “World’s Most Self-Centered Race,” enters geezerhood, products like Viagra will rise to the occasion. They will help aging dopeheads keep a stiff upper lip, putting spunk in their lives and a rosy glow on their horizons. They may go to sleep with sexual dysfunction, but they shall arise with the solution firmly in hand. Even into their 90s they shall feel up to the tasks they have always loved: polishing their maypoles, taking their best men for a stroll, and, above all, riding in their favorite pink Cadillac.

Viagra: Putting a certain schwing into a man’s life.

(Besides, now is the first time a Republican can use the term `erection’ without severely pissing off the Asians.)

Hehehe, good one :smiley:

Gee, I thought that maybe he was walking around with a hard on.

This May, I’ll be 30. Just how older do you’ll think I’ll have to be before wanting some? And to be honest, I seriously doubt I’ll take anything like if I can’t perform as well as I use to, due to old age.

Hey, that’s pretty funny too. :smiley:

As I opened this thread, I got a pop up add for “natural Herbal Viagra”.

This is the second time I’ve noticed that I get a penis pop up add when opening a penis related SDMB thread.

My SO is in his late fifties. Viagra does have it’s uses. The heart is willing, but the flesh is weak.

The SO would be in the kitchen, so to speak. Let’s say he wanted to make a souffle. The egg whites would be beaten to just the proper stiffness, and the other ingredients folded in at the right moments. The souffle would be lovingly spooned into the greased pan, and put into the oven at just the right temperature. Theoretically, it would bake in the oven for just the right amount of time. And yet, DAMN! the souffle would fall just as soon as the oven door was opened. It would fall before it even pouffed into the wonderfulness that is a souffle.

Since the advent of Viagra, the SO’s souffles don’t collapse. And that’s a good thing, since I loves me some good souffle!:slight_smile:

I read this to my wife, who thinks that that’s a cute post, but I think that it’s too much information :slight_smile: .

Uhm…trouble with your, uh, souffle isn’t just something that happens to old (or even “older”)men.

My current SO is 31 and seeing a urologist. I’m 28, and I really like this guy (the SO, not the urologist). I’m sure that when I’m 90, or 80, or however the hell old you happen to think old is, that I’ll be tired of having sex and be willing to quit, but at this point I’ve only been having it for ten years now. I feel about as willing to go without sex as I feel willing to take off my glasses and walk around legally blind, since Mother Nature didn’t see fit to give me working vision without technological help.

No, I don’t think the constant radio and TV ads are that great; I’d prefer to stick with something that’s actually approved by a doctor. But if these ads are the price one pays for having a product available that will let me have sex at least until I’m 30, then bring 'em on.


Well yeah, it does have its uses, but I’m just sick of the constant advertising (well, on the radio anyway) and E-Mail spam. And I’m really sick of the “all natural substitue” adds.