Outright nasty stuff, including a sticker in which a swastika stands in for the “S” in “Islam.”
No real rant here, I guess, except to say that I’m really bummed out that I can’t get that nice “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” mousepad, which is actually pretty cool, without giving money to bigoted fucksocks.
I presented this in rebuttal to someone on another board once when he was spouting the usual “all the terrorists have been Muslim males age 25-34” line. He said that there is a lot about OKC that the public doesn’t know, and he tried to suggest that the Muslims were behind that one, too. (He did this via a line of reasoning that would have made WorldNetDaily say, “I don’t know, this seems pretty sketchy to us,” but he was convinced.)
It is a full moon tonight? Between this crap, this other crap, and the wonderful actions of the INS described in this thread, I’m about ready to start building an escape pod.
I recently took a trip into center city. While there, I stopped at a mall.
I was browsing in one of the bookstores when I met Nevin. She’s a Muslim whose family comes from Saudi Arabia. I’m a Jew whose family comes from all those European countries where names end in -ski.
We talked. And we talked. And we talked.
We came to the conclusion that we both followed the God of Abraham. Further, it was God’s will that Jews and Muslims should come together.
And we did. Three times.
Yeesh… this certainly puts things into perspective. To think I was getting ticked over the guy who vandalized my workplace with little stickers that say
Doc Cathode, I’d make some sort of joke about an anode, but I’m afraid nothing is coming to mind.
I genuinely do believe in God. I feel His presence in my day to day life.
In every serious discussion of theology I have had with Muslims, I have come away with the feeling that they follow that same god. The Koran explicitly condemns the killing of civilians and children. Al Qaida, Hamas, and the rest aren't killing in the name of Allah. They're just using Allah as an excuse. To call Muslims terrorists is like calling Jews Christ Killers.
RE-Faith, Sex and Humor
I know God has a sense of humor. For one thing, He made me. Or, we could just look at the name of Judaism’s second patriarch. Abraham begat Isaac. Isaac is the (I think Latin, but it may be Greek) version of the Hebrew word Yitzhak. Yitzhak is the Hebrew word for laughter.
I can't remember the exact wording, but Isacc Asimov once said "Sex is dying and going to heaven with the one you love, and then you get to come back to earth.".
When done properly sex and religion are both transcendent experiences. For an instant you are lifted out of time and space into an experience of joy that defies description. When you return to yourself, you are left with happiness and contentment.