No offense, Mr. Phelps, but you've become very predictable.

Phelps has finally released a rant about how Reagan is in Hell. Apparently it’s because Rock Hudson died of AIDS and was gay. How is this related to Reagan? Hey, don’t ask me, I never said it made sense. Also apparently Reagan was mentored by Goldwater, another “fag enabler”.

Hahaha, Phelps you’re fucking nuts.

I saw a bit of this last night. My eyes still hurt from having rolled as far back into my head as they did.

Makes me think of Larry Flynt.

Larry Flynt was a scumbag, sure, but he didn’t pass out copies of his magazine at people’s funerals. He didn’t force his worldview down anyone’s throat. And when he stood up to defend his constitutional rights, someone shot him.

Meanwhile, Phelps still runs around gleefully unperforated.

There is no justice.

And I see from the flyers that he is intending to picket the proceedings at DC – very wisely choosing a setting away from Reagan home turf. Jeez, what a real winner.

I’m not sure that’ll help. I foresee a big ass-whuppin’.

Nah, nothing is going to happen to him, nothing major anyway. Ever see the coverage of when the WBC went out to California to picket at the funeral of Randy Shilts, the reporter? Cops lined the street to keep the sides apart. Some of those in the crowd by the church must have had mortar barrage training, because when they started throwing what looked like eggs and fruit the “ammo” arced up and over the heads of the police, and straight down on the Phelps Klan. And that’s all there was, in San Francisco. The WBC stayed for less than a minute.

Very well then, I’ll get my best suit on, with a carnation in the lapel, and wait for who-knows-how-long.